SPOD vs Spreadshirt

The main difference between SPOD and Spreadshirt is that Spreadshirt is totally free but SPOD does not.

In this versus, we compare SPOD vs Spreadshirt in-depth to help you choose one of them. If you want to know more details, we recommend you to read our SPOD review and Spreadshirt review.

However, you can also directly find the Best Print on Demand Software, we list them by ranking (based on our review rating), you can find all the comparisons we made and we explain how you should choose the proper one.

Here is what we will talk about in the rest of this article:

Quick overview

SPOD vs Spreadshirt at a Glance

To make your choice quick and efficient, here is a short summary about our comparison of Spreadshirt vs SPOD. Find out their ratings, features, prices and then discover the winner of the versus.

Pros and Cons comparison

SPOD Review, Pricing, Features with Pros and Cons

SPOD Review, Pricing, Features with Pros and Cons

In this SPOD review, you’ll find more information about its features, pricing, pros and cons and why you should …
Average Score 9
Customer support
Value for money
Ease of use
  • Sustainability
  • User-friendly interface
  • Quality Assurance
  • Huge library of designs
  • Fast Production
  • Learning Curve for Newbies
  • Platform Limitations
  • Regional Variations
Spreadshirt Review, Pricing, Features with Pros and Cons

Spreadshirt Review, Pricing, Features with Pros and Cons

In this Spreadshirt review, you’ll find more information about its features, pricing, pros and cons and why you should …
Average Score 9.2
Customer support
Value for money
Ease of use
  • Ease of use
  • Tax files
  • High-Quality Print
  • Versatile Marketplace
  • Ink Limitations
  • Limited Color Options
  • Limited Product Catalog

Specifications comparison

FeaturesAPI / Discounted Samples / Educational Resources and Support / Fast Delivery / Full Automation / Global reach / Powered by Spreadshirt / Quote Status Tracking / Sales tracking / Seamless Integration / Stock management / Sustainability / Tracking and ReportingContent Analytics and Performance Tracking / Customizable Products / Easy Customization / In-Depth Analysis / Integration Marketplace / On-Demand Products / Ready to use templates / Sales Performance / Seasonal Alignment / Showroom Optimization / Vast Marketplace
Best suited forIndividuals, Freelancers, Small businessesIndividuals, Freelancers, Small businesses
Website languagesEnglishDanish / Deutsch / English / French / Italian / Nederlands / Polsky / Spanish / Suomi / Svenska
Website URLVisit official websiteVisit official website
Support linkSupport pageSupport page
Support emailsupport@spod.comservice@spreadshirt.com
Live chatNoNo
Company addressLeipzig, SaxonyGermany
Year founded20182002

Pricing comparison

Compare the price between SPOD vs Spreadshirt

Find out which software has the best valuable pricing, which one offers a free trial and money back guarantee.

Pricing comparisonSPODSpreadshirt
Pricing rangeFrom $2.5Free
Pricing typesCommission basedCommission based
Free planNoNo
Free trialNoNo
Money back guaranteeYes, 30 daysYes, 30 days
Pricing page linkSee plansSee plans

SPOD Pricing details

Unlock the financial flexibility you’ve been seeking with SPOD’s transparent and straightforward pricing model.

With costs ranging from a variable base product price to additional print areas at $5, and special print methods at a one-time fee of $2.50, you’re in the driver’s seat. Get ready to tailor your expenses while maximizing profits!

SPOD pricing
  • Base Product Price: The cost of each product varies and is the foundational element of the total order price.
  • Print Cost: The first print area is free. Additional print areas cost an extra $5 or 5€. Special print methods like Flex or Flock design incur an extra one-time fee of $2.50 or 2,50€.
  • Taxes: Charged based on your location and whether you’ve applied for an exemption.
  • Order Desk Integration: Offers a 30-day free trial. The monthly cost starts at $12 per month and 25 cents per order.
  • No Recurring Costs: SPOD does not charge any recurring fees for using their service. You only pay for the order value and shipping costs when an order is placed.
  • Variable Shipping Costs: The shipping costs depend on various factors such as the order value, shipping type, and the country to which the product is being shipped.
  • Additional Fees from Shop Systems: While SPOD itself may not have recurring fees, the e-commerce platform you integrate it with might have its own set of fees. These need to be verified separately.
  • Retail Price Independence: What you pay to SPOD is independent of the retail price you set for your customers. Whether you set a high or low retail price, the base product price and other costs from SPOD remain constant.

The total cost of an order with SPOD is calculated as follows:

Order Price = Base Product Price + Print Cost + Shipping Cost + Tax

Spreadshirt Pricing details

With a commission-based model, you only focus on designing and promoting—Spreadshirt takes care of the rest. From product costs to printing, it’s all covered by the buyer.

Your earnings? Pure profit, minus Spreadshirt’s cut. With variable product costs that you can check on the Printing cost page, you have the flexibility to choose how much you want to earn!

Spreadshirt pricing

Cost Structure

  • No Upfront Costs: Spreadshirt operates on a commission-based model, meaning there are no upfront costs for you. The platform itself is free to use.
  • Product and Printing Costs: While the platform is free, the cost of the products and the printing is borne by the buyer. You don’t pay anything out of your own pocket.
  • Commission-Based Earnings: When a product with your design sells, you earn a commission or profit, and Spreadshirt takes their cut automatically.
  • No Additional Expenses: All logistics, including storage, printing, and manufacturing, are handled by Spreadshirt, so you don’t incur any additional expenses.
  • Variable Product Costs: Different products have different printing areas, which could affect the final price. To check the cost for each product, you can visit the Printing cost page on the Spreadshirt website.

By offering a free-to-use platform and handling all logistics, Spreadshirt provides a low-risk opportunity for designers to earn money through their creative work.

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