DesignBuffs vs Kimp

The main difference between DesignBuffs and Kimp is that DesignBuffs is much more expensive than Kimp.

In this versus, we compare DesignBuffs vs Kimp in-depth to help you choose one of them. If you want to know more details, we recommend you to read our DesignBuffs review and Kimp review.

However, you can also directly find the Best Unlimited Graphic Design Services Page, we list them by ranking (based on our review rating), you can find all the comparisons we made and we explain how you should choose the proper one.

Here is what we will talk about in the rest of this article:

Quick overview

DesignBuffs vs Kimp at a Glance

To make your choice quick and efficient, here is a short summary about our comparison of DesignBuffs vs Kimp. Find out their ratings, features, prices and then discover the winner of the versus.

Pros and Cons comparison

DesignBuffs Review – Unlimited Graphic Design service

DesignBuffs Review – Unlimited Graphic Design service

In this DesignBuffs review, you’ll find more information about its features, pricing, pros and cons and why you should …
Average Score 8.8
Customer support
Value for money
Ease of use
  • High quality portfolio
  • Scalable
  • No other services provided (video, writing...)
  • Expensive
9.4 review and pricing – Unlimited Graphic & Video Design Service review and pricing – Unlimited Graphic & Video Design Service Editor choice

Our honest Kimp review article highlight the main features, pricing and details of Kimp. Get a 24/7 dedicated design …
Get 50% OFF on your first month by clicking on “Visit Kimp”
Average Score 9.4
Design quality
Management system
Value for money
  • Cheap
  • Kimp work on more than one task at once
  • Trello is the task management system
  • Video editing
  • Kimp is only worth going for if you consistently need design work.
  • Custom illustrations takes 4 or 5 days.
  • Only in English
Visit Kimp

Specifications comparison

FeaturesGraphic design editingAutomations / Graphic design editing / Stock images / Video editing
Best suited forFreelancers, Small businesses, Mid size businessesSmall businesses, Mid size businesses
Website languagesEnglishEnglish
Website URLVisit official websiteVisit official website
Support linkSupport pageSupport page
Live chatNoYes
Company address3 Richmond Road, Reading, Berkshire, RG4 7PP GB7030 Woodbine Ave Suite 500, Markham, ON L3R 6G2, Canada
Year founded20192003

Pricing comparison

Compare the price between DesignBuffs vs Kimp

Find out which software has the best valuable pricing, which one offers a free trial and money back guarantee.

Pricing comparisonDesignBuffsKimp
Pricing rangeFrom $849 to $1499 per monthFrom $599/month to $995/month
Pricing typesMonthly subscriptionMonthly subscription
Free planNoNo
Free trialYes, 7 daysYes, 7 days
Money back guaranteeYes, 15 daysNo
Pricing page linkSee plansSee plans

DesignBuffs Pricing details

DesignBuffs’ pricing is concerned, the service will cost a decent chunk from your wallet. The Essentials package is the base plan and costs $849 per month. With the Growth package, this number doubles up to 4 hours at the cost of $1,499 per month.

Designbuffs pricing

As far as DesignBuffs’ pricing is concerned, the service will cost a decent chunk from your wallet. The Essentials package is the base plan and costs $849 per month. You get everything the company has to offer. However, the only catch is that you’re buying only two hours of your designer’s time each day. With the Growth package, this number doubles up to 4 hours at the cost of $1,499 per month. The premium package of the company is their Dedicated Plan. This plan is fully customizable and allows you to tailor pick the services as per your requirements. You can choose designers for 2, 4, or 8 hours. Moreover, you get the added luxury of handpicking designers of your own choice. You’ll also be brought to the DesignBuffs Slack that you can use to get real-time support. The only catch is the price of the package. It starts at $2,000 per month but has to be paid quarterly. Clients are forced to pay $6,000 for three months. Based on the services you select, this cost could go up as well.

Kimp Pricing details

Kimp charges a flat monthly fee of $599/month for Graphic Design in their Kimp Graphics plan. Unlike the competition, your dedicated team at Kimp works on more than one task at a time which gives you almost double the output of comparable plans.

Kimp io pricing

Kimp is offering unlimited video design at $699/month and the procedure is identical to Kimp Graphics. If you need Kimp for your designs and videos, you can choose their $995/month plan which combines both services. By choosing this plan, you save $303/month!

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