Kajabi Recension, Priser, Funktioner med Fördelar och Nackdelar

I den här Kajabi-recensionen hittar du mer information om dess funktioner, prissättning, fördelar och nackdelar samt varför du bör överväga att använda den.
9.3/10 (Expertbetyg)
Produkten bedöms som #3 i kategori Lärandehanteringssystem
Diversifiera dina intäktsströmmar

Höj ditt onlineföretag till nya höjder med Kajabis oöverträffade flexibilitet, precisa målgruppsinriktning och sömlösa användarupplevelse. Från att skapa minikurser till omfattande kurser, sätter Kajabi dig vid ratten. Dess robusta segmenterings- och taggningsfunktioner låter dig personalisera som ett proffs, medan det centrala kursbiblioteket får dina studenter att återvända för mer. Lägg till kraften i bundling och merförsäljning, stödd av förstklassig teknisk support, och du har en plattform som inte bara är ett verktyg, utan en katalysator för tillväxt.

Värde för pengarna
  • Flexibilitet
  • Segmentering och taggning
  • Exceptionell kundservice
  • Paketlösning och merförsäljning
  • Ett centralt kursbibliotek
  • Begränsad formulärfält
  • Begränsade betalningsalternativ
  • Överväldigande innehållsexport

Unlock the full potential of your online course or digital product business with Kajabi, the all-in-one platform that’s more than just a buzzword. From crafting your website to automating your marketing funnels, discover how Kajabi streamlines every aspect of your online business.

Dive into this comprehensive guide to explore its game-changing features, and find out why Kajabi could be the missing piece in your digital empire puzzle.

Read further to learn more about Kajabi, in our review we will detail its features, pros and cons with our rating, and a conclusion about why you should use it.

Klicka på "öppna" om du vill se exakt vad vi kommer att prata om i resten av den här artikeln.

Innehållsförteckning öppen


What is Kajabi?

Kajabi is a comprehensive platform designed to empower creators to build, manage, and grow their online businesses. It offers a range of tools for creating online courses, memberships, and coaching programs, as well as for monetizing podcasts and communities.

Kajabi cover

The platform boasts a zero-revenue share model, allowing creators to keep all their earnings. With features like e-postmarknadsföring, landing pages, and a variety of commerce tools, Kajabi aims to be a one-stop solution for digital entrepreneurs.

It also provides 24/7 live support and a community of creators for networking and learning. The platform claims to have helped creators earn over $5 billion in revenue, build 100,000 businesses, and serve 75 million customers.

Kajabi specifications

FunktionerAnalys och rapportering / Automatisk skalning / Automatiseringar / Innehållshantering / Skapa listor / Användardomän / Drip-innehåll / E-postautomatisering / E-postlistförvaltning / E-postmarknadsföring / Marknadsföringsautomatisering / Ett-klicks förbättring / Ett-klicks marknadsföringssekvenser / Frågesporter och bedömningar / Återhämta övergivna kundvagnar / SEO-optimerad / Obegränsad hosting / Webbplatsbyggare
Bäst lämpad förFrilansare, Små företag, Medelstora företag
Webbplatsens språkSvenska
Webbplatsens URLBesök den officiella webbplatsen
Företagets adressIrvine, Kalifornien
Grundades år2010


Kajabi pricing: How much does Kajabi cost?

Kliv in i världen av Kajabis prissättningsplaner, anpassade för att passa varje steg av din onlineverksamhetsresa.

Oavsett om du just har börjat eller expanderar finns det en plan för dig. Med månadskostnader som sträcker sig från $119 till $319 är varje plan fylld med funktioner som är utformade för att hjälpa dig att lyckas!

PrisspannFrån $119 till $319 per månad
PrissättningstyperÅrsprenumeration / Månadsprenumeration
Gratis provperiodJa, 14 dagar
Pengarna-tillbaka-garantiJa, 30 dagar
Prissättningssida länkSe planer

Kajabi pricing plans



  • Månadskostnad$119/mån (Erbjudande under begränsad tid, vanligtvis $149/mån)
  • Funktioner:
    • 0% transaktionsavgift
    • 3 produkter och 3 försäljningskannor
    • Oändliga landningssidor och marknadsföringsmejl
    • 10 000 kontakter och 1 000 aktiva kunder
    • 1 webbplats och 1 administratörsanvändare

Tillväxtplan (Mest populär)

  • Månadskostnad$159/mån (Tidsbegränsat erbjudande, vanligtvis $199/mån)
  • Funktioner:
    • Alla grundläggande funktioner, plus:
    • 15 produkter och 15 trattoformer
    • 25 000 kontakter och 10 000 aktiva kunder
    • 10 administratörer
    • Affiliateprogram, 24/7 chattstöd, avancerade automatiseringar och möjlighet att ta bort Kajabi-märkning.

Pro Plan

  • Månadskostnad: $319/månad (Tidsbegränsad erbjudande, vanligtvis $399/månad)
  • Funktioner:
    • Alla tillväxtfunktioner, plus:
    • 100 produkter och 100 trattformar
    • 100 000 kontakter och 20 000 aktiva kunder
    • 3 webbplatser och 25 administratörsanvändare
    • Anpassad kodredigerare

Alla priser är föremål för tillämpliga skatter. Varje plan kommer med ett gratis provalternativ.


Kajabi features: What can you do with it?

Kajabi offers a comprehensive suite of features designed to address every facet of online business management. From website building and audience growth to sales optimization and marketing automatisering, Kajabi provides an all-in-one solution to meet your business needs.

Website Building Features

Kajabi website builder


Kajabi’s webbplatsbyggare is a user-friendly tool that employs a drag-and-drop interface, making it accessible even for those with no coding experience. It’s not just about creating a website; it’s about creating a website that works well with your overall marketing strategy.

The builder is fully integrated with Kajabi’s suite of marketing tools, so you can easily add landing pages, opt-in forms, and other marketing elements directly into your site.

Safe and Secure

When it comes to security, Kajabi takes a comprehensive approach. The platform offers robust security features to protect both your data and your customers’ information.

This is akin to having an in-house IT team that’s dedicated to maintaining the security of your online business. From SSL certificates to data encryption, Kajabi aims to provide a secure environment for your digital enterprise.

One-click Marketing Sequences

Marketing is made simpler with Kajabi’s one-click marketing sequences. The platform offers built-in funnel templates that you can use to create effective marketing campaigns.

These templates are designed to guide your potential customers through the buyer’s journey, from awareness to conversion, thereby streamlining your marketing efforts and increasing the likelihood of sales.

Egen domän

Kajabi domain

Branding is crucial in the digital age, and Kajabi understands this. That’s why the platform allows you to use a custom domain for your website.

This not only enhances your brand’s credibility but also makes it easier for people to find and remember your site. A custom domain is an essential tool for improving your brand’s visibility and discoverability online.


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is vital for any online business, and Kajabi has you covered in this aspect. The platform is designed to be SEO-friendly right out of the box.

This means that your website will be structured in a way that makes it easier for search engines to crawl and index, thereby improving your site’s visibility in search results.

This is crucial for attracting organic traffic and reaching people who are actively searching for the services or products you offer.

Auto Scaling

Kajabi employs advanced auto-scaling technology to ensure that your website performs optimally at all times, regardless of the volume of traffic. Whether you have ten visitors or ten thousand, the platform automatically adjusts its resources to keep your site running smoothly and quickly.

This is particularly important for high-traffic events like product launches or promotional campaigns, where website performance can directly impact sales and customer satisfaction.

Oanvändbar Hosting

One of the challenges of running an online business is managing hosting, but Kajabi eliminates this concern.

The platform offers unlimited hosting, meaning you can upload as many videos, photos, and other files as you need without worrying about running out of storage space or exceeding bandwidth limitations. This is particularly beneficial for businesses that rely heavily on multimedia content.

Audience Growth Features

Kajabi email management

Email List Management

Managing an email list can be a complex task, but Kajabi simplifies it significantly. The platform offers easy-to-use tools for customizing and embedding opt-in forms directly on your website or within your landing pages.

These forms are designed to capture essential information from your visitors, turning them into subscribers on your email list.

Once a visitor becomes a subscriber, Kajabi’s robust backend allows for advanced segmentation and tagging. This enables you to send highly targeted email campaigns, increasing engagement and conversion rates.

Whether you’re a beginner with a small list or a seasoned marketer with a large following, Kajabi’s email list management tools are designed to scale with your needs.

Build Your List

Kajabi’s landing pages serve as a powerful tool for list building, one of the most critical aspects of digital marketing. These landing pages are meticulously designed to capture visitor information in a non-intrusive yet effective manner.

Once a visitor lands on your page, well-placed opt-in forms and calls-to-action guide them to provide their contact details.

This data is then automatically segmented, allowing for targeted follow-up. Whether you’re offering a free e-book, a webinar, or a discount coupon, Kajabi’s landing pages are engineered to convert visitors into leads, and eventually, customers.

High-converting Page Templates

When it comes to landing pages, one size does not fit all. Different marketing campaigns have different requirements, and Kajabi addresses this by offering a wide variety of high-converting, mobile-ready landing page templates.

These templates are not just aesthetically pleasing but are also optimized for conversion, designed to keep the user engaged and guide them towards the desired action.

Whether you need a landing page for a product launch, an email opt-in, a webinar registration, or an upsell offer, Kajabi has a template that’s tailored for that specific marketing need.


Kajabi sales

Free Trials and Coupons

Offering free trials and coupons is an excellent strategy for attracting new customers, and Kajabi makes this incredibly easy. You can set up free trials for your courses or memberships, giving potential customers a taste of what you offer before they commit to a purchase.

This not only builds trust but also increases the likelihood of conversion. Similarly, the platform allows you to create and distribute one-time-use coupons for promotional campaigns.

These can be percentage-based or fixed-amount discounts, and you can set expiration dates to create a sense of urgency.

Integrated Checkout

Kajabi’s integrated checkout feature is designed to make the payment process as smooth as possible for your customers. The platform supports multiple payment gateways, including Stripe and PayPal, thereby allowing you to accept payments from a global audience.

The checkout process is streamlined and secure, with options for one-time payments, recurring subscriptions, and even installment plans.

This flexibility not only enhances the user experience but also broadens your reach, enabling you to cater to customers with various payment preferences.

One-click Upsells

Kajabi upsell

The one-click upsell feature in Kajabi is a powerful tool for maximizing revenue from existing customers. Once a customer makes a purchase, they are presented with the option to buy additional products or services with just a single click.

This is done without requiring the customer to re-enter their payment information, making the process incredibly seamless. The feature is highly customizable, allowing you to offer relevant upsells based on the customer’s initial purchase, thereby increasing the likelihood of additional sales.

Subscriptions and Payment Plans

Kajabi offers extensive flexibility when it comes to payment structures, supporting various subscription models and payment plans. Whether you want to offer a weekly, monthly, or annual subscription for your content, the platform has you covered.

Additionally, if your courses or services come with a high upfront cost, you can break this down into more manageable installment payments. This flexibility makes your offerings more accessible to a broader audience, thereby increasing your potential for revenue generation.

Återhämtning av övergivna kundvagnar

Shopping cart abandonment is a common issue in e-commerce, and Kajabi tackles this problem head-on with its abandoned cart recovery feature.

If a potential customer adds a product to their cart but doesn’t complete the purchase, automated emails are triggered to remind them of their unfinished transaction.

These emails can be customized to include incentives like discounts or bonuses, encouraging the customer to complete their purchase. By recovering abandoned carts, you not only improve your conversion rates but also make the most out of the traffic you’ve worked hard to attract to your site.

Content Management Features

Kajabi content management

Engaging Content

Kajabi’s content management system is incredibly versatile, allowing you to upload and organize a wide range of content types. Whether you’re looking to include video lectures, image galleries, textual content, audio clips, or downloadable PDF files, the platform supports it all.

This multi-format approach enables you to create a rich and engaging learning experience for your students. You can even import content directly from molnlagring services like Dropbox or Google Drive, making the process of populating your courses even more straightforward.

Course Insights

Understanding how your students interact with your course material is crucial for continuous improvement, and Kajabi’s analytics features offer deep insights into student behavior and engagement.

You can track lesson progress, view grades, and even see how much time students are spending on each section.

These analytics are presented in an easy-to-understand format, allowing you to identify trends, understand student needs, and make data-driven decisions to enhance your course offerings.

Drip Content

Kajabi drip

Information overload can be a significant issue in online learning, and Kajabi’s drip content feature aims to mitigate this. Instead of giving students access to all course material at once, you can choose to release lessons gradually over a specified time period.

This paced approach allows students to absorb and assimilate information more effectively, without feeling overwhelmed. You can customize the drip schedule based on various factors, such as the complexity of the material or the average pace at which students are progressing.

Frågor och bedömningar

Assessing student understanding is an integral part of the learning process, and Kajabi offers robust features for creating quizzes and assessments. These can range from simple multiple-choice questions to more complex, scenario-based assessments.

You have the option to require students to complete these assessments before progressing to the next lesson, adding an extra layer of accountability.

Instant grading is available, providing immediate feedback to students and helping them understand where they stand. The quiz and assessment data can also be integrated into the overall course analytics, offering a more comprehensive view of student performance.

Marketing Automation Features

Kajabi email

Email Broadcasts

The email broadcast feature in Kajabi allows you to send one-time emails to your entire list or to specific segments of your audience. But it’s not just about sending text; you can enhance your emails by adding images, videos, and compelling call-to-action buttons.

This multimedia approach makes your emails more engaging and increases the likelihood of conversions.

Whether you’re announcing a new product, sharing a blog post, or offering a special discount, the email broadcast feature ensures that your message reaches the right people in the most effective way.

Email Sequences

Automating your email marketing is made incredibly simple with Kajabi’s email sequences feature.

You can set up a series of emails that are automatically sent out based on specific triggers or time intervals. For example, you could create a welcome sequence for new subscribers or a follow-up sequence for customers who have just made a purchase.

These automated sequences allow you to nurture relationships with your audience without having to manually send out each email. The feature is highly customizable, enabling you to set the timing, frequency, and content of each email in the sequence.

Personalisering och Segmentering

One of the keys to successful email marketing is sending the right message to the right person, and Kajabi’s personalization and segmentation features make this easy. You can personalize each email by including the recipient’s name, past purchase history, or any other custom field.

Additionally, you can segment your email list based on various criteria such as geographic location, engagement level, or past purchases.

This enables you to send highly targeted campaigns that are more likely to resonate with your audience, thereby increasing open rates, click-through rates, and ultimately, conversions.


Kajabi takes marketing automation to the next level with its advanced automations feature. Beyond just automating email sequences, this feature allows you to set up complex automation workflows that can include multiple steps and conditions.

For example, you could set up an automation that sends a follow-up email to customers who have completed a specific course, then adds them to a new email sequence if they click on a particular link in that email.

These automations can be as simple or as complex as you need them to be, eliminating the manual work of managing your marketing campaigns and freeing you up to focus on creating valuable content.


Kajabi integrations


Kajabi understands the importance of email marketing in growing an online business, which is why it offers seamless integrations with popular email marketing platforms.

Oavsett om du använder Mailchimp, ConvertKit, or any other leading email marketing service, Kajabi allows you to effortlessly sync your email lists and campaigns.

This enables you to manage your email marketing from within Kajabi’s dashboard, or continue using your preferred email platform while benefiting from Kajabi’s other features.

Member Experience

Customer experience is paramount, and Kajabi offers integrations that enhance the member experience on your platform.

From community-building tools like Discord and Slack to customer support solutions like Zendesk, Kajabi allows you to integrate a variety of tools that contribute to a superior user experience.

These integrations make it easier for you to manage customer interactions, provide timely support, and build a community around your brand.

Sales + Conversions

When it comes to sales and conversions, Kajabi integrates with leading e-commerce and payment platforms to streamline the checkout process.

Whether you’re using Stripe, PayPal, or other payment gateways, these integrations ensure a smooth and secure transaction experience for your customers.

Additionally, Kajabi offers integrations with sales funnel tools and conversion optimization platforms, allowing you to fine-tune your sales strategies and maximize revenue.


Data-driven decision-making is crucial for business growth, and Kajabi offers robust analytics integrations to help you make informed choices.

Whether you’re looking to integrate Google Analytics for website tracking or specialized analytics platforms for deeper insights into customer behavior, Kajabi has you covered.

These integrations allow you to gather comprehensive data on website traffic, user engagement, conversion rates, and more, all of which can be accessed directly from your Kajabi dashboard.


Beyond these categories, Kajabi offers a range of other integrations to meet various business needs. This flexibility ensures that you can create a fully integrated and streamlined workflow, making it easier to manage and grow your online business.

Whether you’re looking to connect your Kajabi platform with a CRM system, sociala medier platforms, or any other specialized tool, the platform is flexible enough to accommodate your specific requirements.


Kajabi review: Why you should use it?

Kajabi is a comprehensive platform for creating and selling online courses, digital products, and membership sites. It offers unparalleled flexibility, allowing you to design courses ranging from a single video to a year-long multi-dimensional program.

The platform is known for its robust segmentation and tagging features, making it easier to target specific student groups. Kajabi also excels in providing a seamless student experience, with a course library that organizes all purchased courses in one place.

It offers the convenience of bundling multiple products, upselling, and even running your entire website and email newsletter from the same platform. Moreover, Kajabi has a dedicated team for tech support and is continuously adding features based on customer feedback.

Fördelar och nackdelar


  • Flexibilitet: Create anything from a mini-class to a comprehensive course.
  • Segmentering och taggning: Easily target specific student groups for personalized communication.
  • Studentupplevelse: A centralized course library for easy access to all purchased courses.
  • Bundling and Upselling: Bundle multiple courses or products and offer upsells to increase average order value.
  • Teknisk support: Exceptional customer service with livechatt stöd.


  • Begränsade betalningsalternativ: Only Stripe and PayPal are supported for payments.
  • No Easy Content Export: If you decide to move platforms, exporting all your content can be laborious.
  • Limited Form Fields: Only 100 form fields are allowed across the entire site, which can be limiting for larger projects.

Kajabi is a well-rounded platform suitable for a variety of online teaching and product selling needs, but it does have some limitations that could affect more complex operations.

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Kajabi Recension, Priser, Funktioner med Fördelar och Nackdelar
Kajabi Recension, Priser, Funktioner med Fördelar och Nackdelar
