Recenzie Appy Pie Chatbot Builder, Prețuri, Caracteristici cu Avantaje și Dezavantaje

În această recenzie a Appy Pie Chatbot Builder, veți găsi mai multe informații despre caracteristicile sale, prețuri, avantaje și dezavantaje și de ce ar trebui să luați în considerare utilizarea acestuia.
8.9/10 (Scor Expert)
Produsul este cotat ca #6 în categorie Chatbot
8.9Scor Expert
Creează-ți propriul Chatbot cu ușurință.

Descoperiți puterea automatizării cu Appy Pie Chatbot Builder, o platformă fără cod care este la fel de prietenoasă cu utilizatorii pe cât este de versatilă. Spuneți adio serverelor costisitoare cu stocare în cloud și bun venit dezvoltării rapide. Fie că sunteți un începător în programare sau un dezvoltator experimentat, această platformă are ceva pentru toată lumea. Obțineți analize la îndemână, bucurați-vă de suport multi-limbă și integrați-vă fără probleme cu serviciile terțe preferate.

Asistență pentru clienți
Raport calitate-preț
Ușurința în utilizare
  • Versatil
  • Dezvoltare rapidă
  • Cost-eficient
  • Prietenos cu utilizatorul
  • Nu este foarte cunoscut.
  • Bugs minore

Pășește în viitorul automatisare with this comprehensive guide to Appy Pie Chatbot Builder, the no-code platform that’s revolutionizing how businesses interact with customers.

Whether you’re a small business owner, a marketer, or someone curious about the power of chatbots, this article will give you an in-depth look at a tool that’s as user-friendly as it is powerful. Get ready to discover a platform that could be the game-changer you’ve been waiting for.

Citește mai departe pentru a afla mai multe despre Appy Pie App Builder, în recenzia noastră vom detalia caracteristicile, avantajele și dezavantajele sale, împreună cu evaluarea noastră și o concluzie despre motivul pentru care ar trebui să-l folosești.

Faceți clic pe "deschideți" dacă doriți să vedeți exact despre ce vom vorbi în restul acestui articol.

Prezentare generală

What is Appy Pie Chatbot Builder?

Constructor de chatbot Appy Pie is an AI-driven platform designed to enable businesses and individuals to create custom chatbots without any coding knowledge. The software offers a drag-and-drop interface and a wide range of templates to facilitate easy chatbot creation.

It aims to automate various tasks such as customer support, generare de leaduri, and frequently asked questions. The platform also integrates with third-party services like Zoho CRM, Zendesk, and Slack, providing an analytics dashboard for performance insights.

With its no-code approach, Appy Pie Chatbot Builder democratizes technology, making it accessible for users with different levels of technical expertise.

Appy Pie Chatbot Builder model

Appy Pie Chatbot Builder specifications

FuncționalitățiCreare AI / Automatizare bazată pe AI / Panou de analiză / Integrare aplicații / Analiza boturilor / Gestionarea contactelor / Editor cu drag-and-drop / Urmărirea emailurilor / Gestionarea lead-urilor / Suport multilingv / Bibliotecă de șabloane / Integrare și suport pentru terțe părți
Cel mai potrivit pentruFreelanceri, Întreprinderi mici, Întreprinderi de dimensiuni medii
Limbi ale site-uluiArabă / Germană / Engleză / Franceză / Italiană / Portugheză / Spaniolă
URL-ul site-uluiVizitați site-ul oficial
Link de suportPagina de suport
Chat liveDa
Adresa companieiHampton, Virginia
Anul înființării2015


Appy Pie Chatbot Builder pricing: How much does Appy Pie Chatbot Builder cost?

Când vine vorba de prețuri, Appy Pie Chatbot Builder oferă flexibilitate pentru a se potrivi fiecărui buget. Cu planuri care încep de la $6/bot/lună și ajung la prețuri personalizate pentru nevoile la nivel de întreprindere, există un plan pentru toată lumea.

Bucurați-vă de un trial gratuit de 7 zile pentru a experimenta ceea ce vă așteaptă și alegeți planul care vi se potrivește.

Interval de prețuriDe la $6 la $11 pe lună
Tipuri de prețuriAbonament lunar
Plan gratuitNu
Trial gratuitDa, 7 zile
Garanție de returnare a banilorDa, 30 de zile.
Linkul paginii de prețuriVezi planurile

Appy Pie Chatbot Builder pricing plans


Plan de bază – Cel mai popular

  • Preț$6/bot/lună (Facturat anual)
  • Interacțiuni2.500 interacțiuni/lună
  • Transferuri:
    • Email: 200/lună
    • SMS: 50/lună
    • Whatsapp: 50/lună
  • Transfer Agent LivechatNelimitat
  • ÎntâlnireNelimitat
  • Google DriveNelimitat
  • SMTPNelimitat
  • Zendesk ChatNelimitat
  • Pagini FacebookNelimitat
  • ȘabloaneToate template-urile de bot pre-construite de bază
  • Personalizări: De bază
  • AnaliticăConsimțământul utilizatorului
  • Suport: Email și Bilet

Plan Premium – Fă-te Profesionist

  • Preț: $11/bot/lună (Facturat anual)
  • Interacțiuni5.000 interacțiuni/lună
  • Transferuri:
    • Email: 1.000/lună
    • SMS: 400/lună
    • Whatsapp: 200/lună
  • Transfer Agent LivechatNelimitat
  • ÎntâlnireNelimitat
  • Google DriveNelimitat
  • SMTPNelimitat
  • Zendesk ChatNelimitat
  • Pagini FacebookNelimitat
  • ȘabloaneToate șabloanele de bot pre-construite de bază și premium
  • Personalizări: Basic și Avansat
  • AnaliticăConsimțământul utilizatorului
  • Suport: Email și bilet, chat live și apel la cerere

Plan de afaceri – Du-te la scară completă cu planul nostru personalizat pentru întreprinderi

  • PrețContactați pentru prețuri personalizate.
  • Interacțiuni: Personalizat
  • Transferuri:
    • Email: Personalizat
    • SMS: Personalizat
    • Whatsapp: Personalizat
  • Transfer Agent LivechatNelimitat
  • ÎntâlnireNelimitat
  • Google DriveNelimitat
  • SMTPNelimitat
  • Zendesk ChatNelimitat
  • Pagini FacebookNelimitat
  • ȘabloaneToate șabloanele de bot pre-construite de bază și premium
  • Personalizări: Basic și Avansat
  • AnaliticăConsimțământul utilizatorului
  • SuportAsistență prioritară cu un timp de răspuns de 1-3 ore, email și ticket, chat live și apeluri la cerere


Appy Pie Chatbot Builder features: What can you do with it?

Dive into a world of features designed to make your life easier. From a drag-and-drop interface that requires zero coding skills to a plethora of pre-built templates for every industry, Appy Pie Chatbot Builder is your one-stop solution.

Enjoy AI-powered automation, third-party integrations, and an analytics dashboard that helps you make data-driven decisions.

Appy Pie Chatbot Builder cover

Interfață Drag-and-Drop

The drag-and-drop interface in Appy Pie Chatbot Builder is designed to simplify the chatbot creation process. Users can easily select elements and place them where they want within the chatbot’s conversational flow.

This feature is particularly beneficial for those who may not have a background in coding or technical expertise. The intuitive design of the interface ensures that creating a chatbot is as straightforward as dragging elements into a canvas and configuring them according to your needs.

Overall, this feature aims to make chatbot creation accessible to a broader audience, from small business owners to enterprise-level organizations.

Selecția șablonului

Appy Pie offers a diverse range of templates that cater to various industries and use-cases, from customer service to e-commerce. These templates come pre-loaded with specific conversational flows, questions, and responses that are commonly used in those sectors.

Users can either use these templates as they are or customize them to better fit their unique requirements.

The availability of these templates significantly speeds up the chatbot development process, allowing businesses to deploy their bots more quickly. It also reduces the margin for error by providing tried-and-tested conversational structures.

AI-Powered Automation

The AI-powered automation feature allows the chatbots to handle a multitude of tasks autonomously. This includes answering FAQs, scheduling appointments, and even conducting surveys.

The AI algorithms are designed to understand user queries and provide the most relevant responses, thereby enhancing the user experience.

This level of automation not only improves efficiency but also allows human agents to focus on more complex tasks that require emotional intelligence and nuanced understanding. Businesses can thus offer 24/7 customer service without the need for round-the-clock human supervision.

Integrări de terță parte

Appy Pie Chatbot Builder integrations

Integration with third-party services is a standout feature of Appy Pie Chatbot Builder. Users can connect their chatbots to CRM systems like Salesforce, customer support platforms like Zendesk, and collaboration tools like Slack.

This enables the chatbot to pull real-time data and offer more contextually accurate responses. For instance, if integrated with a CRM, the chatbot can provide customer service agents with a detailed history of interactions, making the service experience more personalized.

These integrations also allow for more streamlined internal workflows, as data can be automatically transferred between different platforms.

Panoul de analiză

The analytics dashboard is a comprehensive tool that offers a wide range of metrics to gauge the performance of your chatbot. This includes user engagement rates, the number of active users, and the effectiveness of the conversational flows.

The dashboard is designed to be user-friendly, offering visual representations like graphs and charts for easier data interpretation.

This feature is crucial for businesses that rely on data-driven decision-making. By understanding how users are interacting with the chatbot, businesses can make necessary adjustments to improve its functionality and effectiveness.

Suport multi-limbă

Appy Pie Chatbot Builder’s multi-language support is designed to cater to a global audience. Users can create chatbots that converse in multiple languages, including but not limited to English, Spanish, French, and German.

This is particularly beneficial for businesses that operate in multiple countries or have a diverse customer base.

The feature ensures that language is not a barrier in providing excellent customer service. It also opens up opportunities for businesses to expand into new markets without the need for localized human support.

Gestionarea lead-urilor și contactelor

The platform offers robust lead and contact management features that allow businesses to keep track of customer interactions and data. This includes storing email addresses, phone numbers, and even conversation histories.

The feature is designed to help sales and customer service teams manage leads more effectively, ensuring that no opportunities are missed.

It also allows for better segmentation and targeting, as businesses can categorize leads based on various parameters like engagement level, purchase history, or geographic location.

Appy Pie Chatbot Builder features

Urmărirea emailurilor

Email tracking is another feature that enhances the platform’s utility. Once an email is sent, businesses can track when it is opened, how many times it was viewed, and whether any links within the email were clicked.

This provides valuable insights into user engagement and allows businesses to tailor their follow-up strategies accordingly. The feature is particularly useful for sales and marketing teams, as it helps in understanding the effectiveness of email campaigns and identifying areas for improvement.

Bot Analytics

In addition to the general analytics dashboard, Appy Pie Chatbot Builder offers specialized bot analytics that delve deeper into user interactions. This includes tracking the paths that users take through the conversational flows, identifying bottlenecks or points of drop-off, and even sentiment analysis.

These advanced analytics provide a more nuanced understanding of how the chatbot is performing and where it can be improved. Businesses can use this data to refine their chatbot’s conversational abilities, making it more efficient and user-friendly.

Integrări de aplicații

The platform allows for the integration of various other applications like Google Sheets, Google Calendar, and even e-commerce platforms like Shopify.

This extends the functionality of the chatbot beyond just conversation. For example, integrating with Google Sheets could allow the chatbot to pull in real-time inventory data during a customer inquiry.

Similarly, integration with Google Calendar could enable the chatbot to schedule appointments directly. These app integrations make the chatbot a more versatile tool, capable of handling a broader range of tasks.


Security is a paramount concern for any business, and Appy Pie Chatbot Builder addresses this with high-level encryption and robust security protocols. The platform ensures that all user data is securely stored and transmitted, protecting it from unauthorized access and data breaches.

This makes it a reliable choice for businesses that handle sensitive customer information. The security features are continually updated to combat emerging threats, ensuring that the platform remains a secure environment for both businesses and their customers.


Appy Pie Chatbot Builder review: Why you should use it?

Appy Pie Chatbot Builder is a no-code development platform that offers a range of functionalities including app and web development, helpdesk support, and chatbot building. It’s designed to be user-friendly, allowing even those with no coding experience to create chatbots and other applications.

The platform offers a 7-day free trial and multiple subscription plans to suit different needs. It’s particularly beneficial for startups and small businesses, offering a cost-effective solution that leverages stocare în cloud, eliminating the need for expensive servers.

Pro și Contra


  • Prietenos cu utilizatorul: Features like drag-and-drop interfaces make it easy for anyone to use.
  • Cost-eficient: Utilizes cloud storage, reducing the need for physical servers and maintenance.
  • Versatil: Apart from chatbots, it can be used for app and web development, customer support, and more.
  • Dezvoltare Rapidă: Allows for faster development compared to traditional methods.


  • Cerințe de sistem: Needs to be run on fast processing computers/laptops.
  • Limited Awareness: Not very well-known among non-coders, which limits its reach.
  • Minor Bugs: Some users have reported small bugs in the mobile app version.

Întrebări frecvente

Întrebări Frecvente

Recenzie Appy Pie Chatbot Builder, Prețuri, Caracteristici cu Avantaje și Dezavantaje
Recenzie Appy Pie Chatbot Builder, Prețuri, Caracteristici cu Avantaje și Dezavantaje
