Unlock the secrets of GPTZero, the cutting-edge software that’s revolutionizing the way we authenticate text in the digital age. Dive in to explore each feature in detail and find out why GPTZero is becoming an indispensable tool in today’s fast-paced, AI-driven world.
From educators striving to maintain academic integrity to organizations safeguarding their content, discover how GPTZero’s suite of innovative features offers a comprehensive solution for verifying the originality and authenticity of written work.
Read further to learn more about GPTZero, in our review we will detail its features, pros and cons with our rating, and a conclusion about why you should use it.
Click on “open” if you want to see exactly what we will talk about in the rest of this article.
What is GPTZero?
GPTZero is a web application and service developed by Edward Tian, a Princeton University student. The software is designed to detect whether a given text has been written by a human or generated by an artificial intelligence system like ChatGPT.
Initially aimed at educators, the tool is free to use and helps in identifying AI-generated plagiarism. GPTZero analyzes the text’s randomness, known as perplexity, and the uniformity of this randomness, termed as burstiness in statistics.
While it’s not foolproof, the software is continually being improved for accuracy. It is available through its website and also offers an API for integration.
GPTZero specifications
Features | AI Detector / API Access / Batch file scanning / Detection Dashboard / Element Highlighting / Human-like content / Perplexity Analysis / Plagiarism checker / Regular Updates / Shareable Reports / Team access / Web Data Authentication |
Website URL | Visit official website |
Support link | Support page |
Company address | Princeton , NJ 08544 United States |
Year founded | 2022 |
GPTZero pricing: How much does GPTZero cost?
Navigate the maze of text authentication without breaking the bank! GPTZero offers a range of pricing plans to fit every need and budget, starting from a free Basic Plan to a feature-rich Premium Plan at just $24 per month.
Whether you’re an individual, educator, or a large organization, there’s a plan tailored just for you. Explore the options and find your perfect fit!
Pricing range | From $15 to $24 per month |
Pricing types | Annual subscription / Monthly subscription |
Free plan | Yes |
Free trial | Yes, 30 days |
Money back guarantee | No |
Pricing page link | See plans |
GPTZero pricing plans

Basic Plan : Free
- Access to the GPTZero dashboard and the Origin Chrome extension.
- Scan limit of up to 10,000 words per month.
- Allows up to 7 scans an hour.
- Batch file scanning limited to 10 files.
Essential Plan : $15/Month
- Includes all features of the Basic Plan.
- Scan limit increased to 150,000 words per month.
- No plagiarism scanning included.
Premium Plan : $24/Month
- Most comprehensive plan offering full access to all features.
- Scan limit of up to 300,000 words per month.
- Includes plagiarism scanning.
- Unlimited batch file scanning.
- Option to invite team members.
Each plan is designed to cater to different user needs, from individual users to organizations. The plans are also available on a yearly basis at a 33% discount.
GPTZero features: What can you do with it?
GPTZero offers an array of features designed to authenticate human-written text and detect AI-generated content.
From comprehensive writing reports to certification badges, the software provides a robust set of tools for writers, educators, and professionals. Here’s a detailed look at each feature and its functionality.

Detection Dashboard
The Detection Dashboard is a specialized feature tailored for educators and academic institutions.
Developed with a focus on the unique content needs of educational settings, this dashboard provides a user-friendly interface that allows for easy navigation and quick access to various functionalities.
More importantly, it comes with a premium model specifically trained to detect student writing and ed-tech use cases. This makes the dashboard an invaluable asset for teachers and educational administrators who need to ensure the authenticity of student submissions.
Batch File Scans
The Batch File Scans feature is designed to enhance efficiency by allowing users to upload multiple files simultaneously for AI content detection.
This is particularly useful for organizations or educational institutions that handle large volumes of documents and need to verify their authenticity in a time-sensitive manner. By enabling batch uploads, GPTZero streamlines the verification process, saving both time and effort.
Plagiarism Scanning
Beyond its capabilities for detecting AI-generated text, GPTZero also offers a Plagiarism Scanning feature. This function scans your documents against a vast database to identify any plagiarized content.
It provides a detailed report highlighting the problematic sections, thereby enabling you to take corrective action. This feature adds an extra layer of security and is especially useful in academic settings where plagiarism is a significant concern.
API Access for Organizations
GPTZero offers an API to make the software more accessible and versatile. This feature allows for seamless integration into various platforms, including academic research environments and content management systems. It opens up the possibility for a wide range of applications that require reliable text authentication.
Understanding the diverse needs of larger organizations, GPTZero has developed an easy-to-use API that allows for seamless integration into various platforms. This API is designed to be both robust and flexible, catering to the specific requirements of organizations that deal with bulk text authentication.
Whether you are a content management system, an academic research environment, or a large corporation, this API feature provides a scalable solution for all your text authentication needs.

Text Detection and Perplexity Analysis
The core feature of GPTZero is its ability to analyze text through a metric known as “perplexity.” Perplexity measures the randomness of word choices and the construction of sentences in a given text.
By evaluating this metric, GPTZero can accurately determine whether the text has been generated by an AI or written by a human. This is particularly useful in academic settings where the authenticity of written work is crucial.
Burstiness Comparison
Burstiness is another key feature that sets GPTZero apart. This metric compares the perplexity across multiple sentences in a text. By doing so, the software can identify consistent patterns that are typical of AI-generated content.
This feature enhances the software’s ability to detect AI-written text, making it a robust tool for academic and professional settings where content originality is paramount.
Highlighting Suspicious Phrases
In an updated version of the software, known as GPTZeroX, specific phrases and sentences that exhibit a high likelihood of being AI-generated are highlighted.
This feature is designed to assist users in quickly identifying sections of a document that may be plagiarized or AI-generated, thereby streamlining the review process and ensuring content integrity.
Web Data Authentication
GPTZero is equipped with an internet text search functionality that scans a vast array of web data to verify the originality of a text. This feature is part of the software’s broader mission to not only detect AI-generated text but also to authenticate human-written content.
It adds an additional layer of security and reliability, making the software a comprehensive solution for text authentication.
GPTZero Shield
Security is a major concern when it comes to AI detection tools. GPTZero addresses this with a feature known as “GPTZero Shield.”
This is a security layer designed to protect the software against any tools or methods that may attempt to exploit AI detectors. It ensures that the software remains reliable and secure against potential vulnerabilities.
Frequent Updates
The landscape of AI and machine learning is rapidly evolving, and to keep pace, GPTZero is continuously updated. These updates aim to improve the software’s features, enhance its robustness, and maintain its high levels of accuracy.
This commitment to continuous improvement ensures that GPTZero remains a leading solution in the field of AI text detection and authentication.
Human Writing Report

GPTZero offers a feature known as the “Human Writing Report,” which serves as a comprehensive analysis of your writing process.
This report is generated through a proprietary writing pattern analyzer that provides ground-truth assessments to determine if a document was AI-generated or human-written.
The report includes various statistics like a writing activity timeline, document lifespan, largest copy and pastes, and average revision durations.
It also accounts for cases where multiple editors are involved. If a document is verified to be entirely human-written, the report provides a certification of human authenticity.
Collect Badges

To make the writing process more engaging, GPTZero offers “Human Writing Badges.” These badges can be collected as you continue to write more without the aid of AI. They serve as both a motivational tool and a fun way to track your progress in maintaining the authenticity of your writing.
GPTZero allows you to share your Human Writing Report through a shareable link. This feature enables readers and editors to access the report from anywhere.
For registered users, the report can also be submitted as evidence to verify the human origin of a document scanned by GPTZero’s Origin feature.
Watch Real Human Writing
This feature enables the creation of a video that captures the entire writing process of a document. Designed with the highest grade of security and data privacy in mind, this video serves as irrefutable evidence of human writing.
It offers a step-by-step replay of all contributions to the document, providing a unique insight into the writing process.
Certify Your Writing
The “Certify Your Writing Now” feature allows users to obtain a certification that verifies the human origin of their writing. This is particularly useful in academic and professional settings where the authenticity of written work is crucial.
The certification is part of the Human Writing Report and serves as a stamp of approval for your document’s originality.
Submit as Evidence
GPTZero allows you to submit your Human Writing Report as evidence to protect it from being used by machine learning companies without your consent. Once submitted, the results of GPTZero scans for that particular article will be changed to “verified human.”
Additionally, the GPTZero machine learning team will monitor if your content is being used by other AI companies for training, keeping you informed of any such activities.

GPTZero review: Why you should use it?
GPTZero offers a unique set of features aimed at authenticating human-written text and detecting AI-generated content.
With its proprietary algorithms that analyze text perplexity and burstiness, it provides a robust solution for academic and professional settings where the authenticity of written work is critical.
The software also offers an API for easy integration, a human authentication feature called “Origin,” and frequent updates to stay ahead of the evolving AI landscape.
- Comprehensive Text Analysis: Offers a deep dive into text perplexity and burstiness, making it a reliable tool for text authentication.
- Human Authentication: Provides a “human-print” proof in video format, adding an extra layer of authentication.
- API Integration: Allows for seamless integration into various platforms, making it versatile.
- Frequent Updates: Continuously updated to improve features and maintain robustness and accuracy.
- False Positives: There have been instances where the software incorrectly flagged human-written text as AI-generated, causing concerns about its reliability.
- Limited Scope: While it’s a powerful tool for text analysis, it’s not foolproof and should not be solely relied upon for critical applications.
- User Skepticism: Some users have questioned the software’s effectiveness, suggesting it may not be as reliable as claimed for serious academic or professional use.