WordAi is an automated application that rewrites whole phrases and paragraphs in order to generate fresh, original material. It supports English, French, Spanish and Italian (though with the latest version, it seems that just English is accessible), and it is among the most talked-about tools for rewriting material.
Ever wondered why that Instagram profile of a dog is posting regular content and gaining thousands of followers each day, but nobody recognizes your superstitions regarding black holes? Believe me, it has nothing to do with dogs conquering human minds, but it’s only about producing engaging content each day.
The internet believes in quality content, and it needs regular yet effective content to fulfil its hunger. That’s where WordAi starts to flex its power of adapting human writing capabilities.
If you want content, you have searched about auto spinning tools and have come across thousands of them. WordAi is exactly the same. However, its fabulous features make it a special one and have pretty tough competitors when it comes to rewriting.
WordAi does all the writing work for a reasonable price. With a great price comes great responsibility. The tools which WordAi has to offer are all worth it and can replace a content writer or so. Thus, it would be much better to buy WordAi and save money than to hire expensive writers.
Nevertheless, there is nothing worthwhile (fitting to writing) than WordAi as it is profound in terms of qualitative and quantitative.
The article spinner, the article rewriter.
Read further to learn more about WordAi, in our review we will detail its features, pros and cons with our rating, and a conclusion about why you should use it.
Click on “open” if you want to see exactly what we will talk about in the rest of this article.
WordAi is an automated spinner rewriting software which uses artificial intelligence to rewrite articles uniquely, profoundly, and (pretend some other relevant adjectives are written here).
WordAi helps you to create new, quality-proven content quickly and easily. With only the input of mere sentences, WordAi can generate high-quality, human-readability sentences and articles by instantly processing the entire sentences and their variations.
For WordAi, Bulk Rewrite is not a big problem. With just a simple sentence, the bulky output of rewritten sentences and phrases will be given off by WordAi. Not only that, the automated readable content will be free of general errors known to the lore of writing.
Feel free of plagiarism as WordAi does not duplicate content but produces a like-content in terms of the idea it delivers and the message it conveys.
You might be thinking about how an AI could produce such original content, and I think you are taking WordAi lightly as compared to a human writer. WordAi produces human-readable content at its best! The answer to your “How?” is its remarkable features.
You can create many unique articles with only one article as input. The produced article would not only be as valuable as the raw article but will also be duplication-free. Just to tell you, this can happen in SECONDS!
By using WordAi, you are not in search of high-quality content. High-quality content is in search of you.
WordAi specifications
Blog post creation / Content creation / Customization / Dashboard / Duplicate checker / Easy to use / Email marketing / Expand content / Facebook Advertisement / Rewrite content / SEO writing assistant / Writing Assistant / Writing service
Well, whatever plan you choose, both have the same features. Furthermore, you can also go for the custom plan. The custom plan has some more additional perks:
High volume usage
Increased throughput
Multiple user accounts
Customized rewrites
Heightened quality
Account manager
By the way, no need to worry about losing your money if you are not satisfied with the software. WordAi gives off 30-day money-back guarantee. But you should also be checking the 3-day free trial before buying the software to have a broad experience of what the software looks like and whether it is suitable for you or not.
According to its author, WordAi has some features which other rewriting tools don’t.
Knowing different meanings of the same word: as the English language is so vast, the English words have pretty different and various meanings according to the contexts. WordAi opts out the aptest word with the most relevant meaning to the content.
Sentences Restructure: Write a sentence conveying a mere idea. WordAI will transform the sentence into a well-structured crispy sentence.
Rewrites paragraphs and sentences automatically: WordAi will read the content thoroughly, and by its automated assumptions, it will produce paragraphs which will be different from the raw text without any need for human help.
Fixes grammar mistakes and spelling omissions: WordAi automatically corrects mistakes. (no need to worry about grammar police)
Multiple users accounts: many user accounts can be made.
Cut sentences short: to maintain the quality and readability of the article, WordAi splits the sentences into short yet engaging phrases and sentences.
API support: article rewriting can be added to any workflow.
Protected words and custom synonyms: this lets users prevent WordAi from altering some specific words or phrases and quotes.
Picks the perfect synonym: to counter plagiarism, WordAi picks the most suitable synonym of all. It not only conveys the idea but also makes the sentence uniquely written.
Storms ideas and Clarifies content
WordAi helps the user to come up with brainstorming and unleash ideas. It just not only rewrites the article, but you can also opt-out keywords that can boost your thinking with vivid vocabulary. You can then expand your imagination and create multiple variations of your ideas to kill writer’s block.
Just like WordAi’s feature of cutting off long, complicated sentences into simple and crispy sentences, it also removes all unnecessary material from the content, makes content less wordy, and increases overall quality.
In a nutshell, WordAi prioritizes working smart over working hard. For instance, by the ai, you can create many articles in a single time. You can then sell these articles to your client (without telling him). That’ll do the work for both and will give a bonus time. I think WordAi is trying to give me some kind of message…
Saves Money
Due to covid, everyone is broke. WordAi not only helps you to rewrite content but also acts as a saviour of your bank account. Suppose you give $100 for ten articles to a writer. With a yearly plan of WordAi, you can easily write those articles for just $27! It will not save your money only, but it will also save your time as all the processes, writing, paraphrasing, and proofreading will be done by this phenomenal ai. (me being broke doesn’t mean that this article is also generated through WordAI. Well, it could be, though, if they are up for sponsorship.)
Saves Time
For entrepreneurs, blog owners, or content creators who have to produce content regularly with consistency while keeping the quality of the content superb, WordAi is a game changer for them. But the problem is human’s limited power and capability, which either give out writer’s block or a feeling like a loser. Well, the feeling would be accurate, but here WordAi will save you not only from your self-doubts but also will save your precious time.
The bulk feature is what we call an angel coming from heaven. Blog owners, who need to produce articles on a daily, can now easily generate content with one click. Many content ideas and articles are just one click away. Relatively, bloggers shouldn’t also worry about the content niche and its tone. The automated reading feature of WordAi accurately reads the content and rewrites whilst doing nothing to the tone and idea it conveys.
The main feature which saves the most time is no grammatical mistakes and plagiarism-free content. If this wouldn’t be assured 100% by WordAi, not know really much about you, but I would really be struggling to pass Copyscape or Grammarly.
WordAi is like my cat. Due to its simple interface, It may not only be used by anyone, but people can also simply understand it in just a matter of time.
Regardless of what your profession is, be it copywriter, blog owner, social media influencer, or a Mr Beast’s assistant, if your work includes writing, then there is nothing worthwhile than WordAI.
I must say it; daily social media content creation can easily be created, generated, and published regularly in just a matter of seconds. The content may not only be captivating, but it’ll also be unique, plagiarism-free, and error-free.
WordAi is also pretty appropriate for businesses. Many businesses need high-quality content each day, either be it on a technical or non-technical basis; WordAi automatically rewrites them and makes the business stay on top.
WordAi is pretty suitable for affiliate review bloggers as it works as an article spinner. These bloggers need everyday content to top the Google search results. As the affiliate is all about telling about the products, descriptions, and details and has nothing vital to do much more about the tone, WordAi can be used to create articles in bulk for the website to serve knowledge to the incoming traffic. (The pricing details and backlinking can be later done manually)
Besides that, simple niche bloggers can also be benefitted from WordAi by producing countless blog posts that would not only be human readable but will also convey the idea as a normal blog post would do.
Another quick yet effective way to use WordAi is to write just the main idea, press on Rewrite, and WordAi will produce a paragraph. You can do this paragraph by paragraph to produce an article or use an article spinner to create an entire article with original text and ranking web content.
Nonetheless, WordAi works in every field of writing. It can create letters, reports, ebooks, blogs, messages, and many more. So saying WordAi is only suitable for certain professions might be a disgrace to WordAi.
Affiliate program
Make Money From WordAi
A fabulous thing about WordAi is that it also offers users to earn. Yes, you heard me right. An ai tool selling itself whilst also giving opportunity for users to earn. How cool is that!
The earning process is on a commission basis. It’s simple. You refer someone to WordAi, and if they use it and pay for it, you’ll get the set commission.
I know it’s complicated, but let me lay it down in some simple steps.
You’ll get an affiliate link when you make an account with WordAi.
You can share the link with your readers and audience.
Whenever someone from your audience purchases a subscription, you’ll get a 20% of the value! (you will still get a commission if they renew their subscription)
As complicated and complex WordAi used to be, it is now much simpler than it was ever before. However, some users prefer to have more control over the software than to have fewer options.
There are three spinning options:
More conservative: This option generates an article with less uniqueness as it will use fewer synonyms. However, the readability will be quite high for readers to understand the content easily.
Regular: This option gives a perfect balance of uniqueness and readability. It creates unique content along with high readability. Most suitable option for users.
More adventurous: This option will make the article more unique but less readable.
In short, More conservative and more adventurous options are just opposite of each other.
Nevertheless, WordAi works pretty simply. All you have to do is:
Enter your content
Click on Rewrite
Your piece of content will be generated in just a few seconds
Spintax literal means spinning the arrangement of words and phrases of content to generate a unique sentence or an article. If high-quality spintax is done, the produced content will be readable, unique, and high-quality. This will help the article to pass Copyscape and rank on Google.
WordAi rewrites sentences from raw. Afterwards, each sentence variation is rephrased by WordAi. This happens multiple times, which creates many variations of a single article.
WordAi produces 1000 high-quality rewrites per original article by spintax. This allows to generate a sufficient amount of content right away and prevents writer’s block from creating original yet appealing ideas.
Integration with third-party tools
You can integrate WordAi with many tools such as WP Robot, Ubot Studio, Article Forge, Licorne AIO, and many more. You can also integrate your custom-made tool.
WordAi’s prominent features and essential perks make WordAi unique and stand out from its competitors. The features make your content to be as attractive as possible.
Moreover, if you have excellent skills and know how to use WordAi, you can not only save your time but can also save your money. Basically, as a writer, you have two options:
Use the article spinner tool or spin rewriter to produce new content each day, upload only once, and save time.
Write on your own and generate a few articles whilst losing hundreds of hours.
Everything comes with its flaws and errors, and the most disliked thing about WordAi is its language processing function. But it’ll also be recognized and will be fixed with going time.