WriterZen vs Cocolyze

The main difference between WriterZen and Cocolyze is that WriterZen offer 30 days money back guarantee but Cocolyze offer it for 07 days.

In this versus, we compare WriterZen vs Cocolyze in-depth to help you choose one of them. If you want to know more details, we recommend you to read our WriterZen review and Cocolyze review.

However, you can also directly find the Best SEO Software, we list them by ranking (based on our review rating), you can find all the comparisons we made and we explain how you should choose the proper one.

Here is what we will talk about in the rest of this article:

Quick overview

WriterZen vs Cocolyze at a Glance

To make your choice quick and efficient, here is a short summary about our comparison of WriterZen vs Cocolyze. Find out their ratings, features, prices and then discover the winner of the versus.

Pros and Cons comparison

WriterZen Review – SEO Optimized Content Creator with Keyword Cluster

WriterZen Review – SEO Optimized Content Creator with Keyword Cluster

In this WriterZen review, you’ll find more information about its features, pricing, pros and cons and why you should …
Average Score 9.3
Customer support
Value for money
Ease of use
  • User-friendly dashboard interface
  • Its simple to access all the features
  • The research feature is more useful
  • The Topic Explorer tools offer excellent topic ideas and suggestions
  • Amazing content creator tool
  • Low-pricing and affordable
  • Equipped with a plagiarism checker
  • The content creator feature needs more improvement
  • It doesn’t offer keyword and content comparisons
  • It doesn’t allow adding links
Cocolyze Review – All-in-One French SEO software

Cocolyze Review – All-in-One French SEO software

In this Cocolyze review, you’ll find more information about its features, pricing, pros and cons and why you should …
Average Score 8.8
Customer support
Value for money
Ease of use
  • Fair pricing
  • French software
  • Complete SEO tool suite
  • SEO writing tool
  • Lack of data
  • Young software (can be improved)

Specifications comparison

FeaturesContent creation / Expand content / SEO writing assistantAnalytics / Audit website / Keyword research / SEO writing assistant
Best suited forIndividuals, Freelancers, Small businessesIndividuals, Freelancers, Small businesses, Mid size businesses
Website languagesEnglishEnglish / French
Website URLVisit official websiteVisit official website
Support linkSupport pageSupport page
Support emailsupport@writerzen.nethello@cocolyze.com
Live chatNoNo
Company address104 Paya Lebar Road, Singapore 409015Valenciennes, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
Year founded20212017

Pricing comparison

Compare the price between WriterZen vs Cocolyze

Find out which software has the best valuable pricing, which one offers a free trial and money back guarantee.

Pricing comparisonWriterZenCocolyze
Pricing rangeFrom $39 to $99 per monthFrom $49.99 to $199.99 per month
Pricing typesAnnual subscription / Monthly subscriptionAnnual subscription / Monthly subscription
Free planNoNo
Free trialYes, 7 daysYes, 30 days
Money back guaranteeYes, 30 daysYes, 7 days
Pricing page linkSee plansSee plans

WriterZen Pricing details

WriterZen comes with three packages, each of which has a different price. The Advanced plan is available for $99 per month, the Standard plan for $59 per month, and the Basic plan for $39 per month. If you want to go for yearly subscriptions, you may save at least thirty percent off the following prices. There is also a free trial. The free trial provides only a limited number of features and is valid for only seven days. Further, that trial plan helps you get to know the platform in detail. We think that duration is more than enough for users to choose if they need to buy the paid version or not. The free trial includes the following limitations:

  • 5,000 plagiarism checks every day
  • 4,000 keyword cluster credits
  • 4,000 keyword check Allintitle and KGR calculation
  • 20 keyword lookup every day
  • 30 topic lookups every day
  • 10 content briefs
WriterZen pricing

WriterZen provides a flexible pricing structure where users can buy one-time credits to top-accounts and do not overspend on their budget. The best thing here is that those one-time credits do not expire. How amazing is that? Therefore, you can basically subscribe to a small monthly tier and top up your WriterZen account with the necessary credits: Keyword credit                                 AI credit 20,000 – $19                                        60 – $19 40,000 – $29                                        180 – $49 150,000 – $99                                     600 – $149 The paid subscription comes with a lot of awesome functionalities and features. It’s worth mentioning that you can easily cancel your subscription at any time. The most popular package is the Premium plan, offering a broad spectrum of features and a large amount of data. That could help you create engaging and unique content. The price is reasonable as well.

Cocolyze Pricing details

Cocolyze essential plan starts from $49.99 per month. You can get free 2 months by subscribing the plan annually.

Cocolyze pricing

The software offers a 30 days free trial and the subscription is without any commitment.

Cocolyze Essential offer at 49,99€/month

  • 100 keywords tracked
  • 3 websites maximum
  • 2 users access
  • 1 year history
  • And all the tools provided

Cocolyze Pro offer at 99,99€/month

  • 500 keywords tracked
  • Unlimited websites
  • 3 users access
  • 48 months of history
  • And all the tools provided

As much as the Essential offer seemed light to us, the Pro offer is very competitive and will satisfy many users. For 99,99€/month, it is one of the best quality/price ratio on the market.

Cocolyze Reseller offer at 199,99€/month

  • 1000 keywords tracked
  • Unlimited websites
  • 50 users access
  • 10 years of history
  • And all the tools provided
WriterZen vs Cocolyze
WriterZen vs Cocolyze
