Sucuri vs Hexometer

The main difference between Sucuri and Hexometer is that Hexometer is quite cheaper than Sucuri.

In this versus, we compare Sucuri vs Hexometer in-depth to help you choose one of them. If you want to know more details, we recommend you to read our Sucuri review and Hexometer review.

However, you can also directly find the Best Website Monitoring Tool, we list them by ranking (based on our review rating), you can find all the comparisons we made and we explain how you should choose the proper one.

Here is what we will talk about in the rest of this article:

Quick overview

Sucuri vs Hexometer at a Glance

To make your choice quick and efficient, here is a short summary about our comparison of Hexometer vs Sucuri. Find out their ratings, features, prices and then discover the winner of the versus.

Pros and Cons comparison

Sucuri Review – Complete Website Security, Protection and Monitoring

Sucuri Review – Complete Website Security, Protection and Monitoring

In this Sucuri review, you’ll find more information about its features, pricing, pros and cons and why you should …
Average Score 9.5
Customer support
Value for money
Ease of use
  • Proactive Monitoring
  • Comprehensive Security
  • Performance Optimization
  • User-Friendly Interface
  • Reputation and Trust
  • Limited Features in Basic Plans
  • Higher Cost
Hexometer review – 24/7 AI Website Monitoring and Audit

Hexometer review – 24/7 AI Website Monitoring and Audit

In this Hexometer review, you’ll find more information about its features, pricing, pros and cons and why you should …
Average Score 9
Customer support
Value for money
Ease of use
  • Constant and consistent updates
  • Free trial
  • Great tech support
  • Site consistently operates at peak performance
  • Easy to use affordable platform
  • Clean interface
  • Support system amazing
  • Some websites might block Hexometer robots

Specifications comparison

FeaturesContinuous Monitoring / DDoS Protection / Integration with iThemes Security and Other Plugins / Malware Scanner and Cleanup / Performance Optimization / Reputation Monitoring / Website Firewall (WAF) / WordPress Security PluginBroken Links sсаnner tооl / Dоmаin Whоis Lооkuр Serviсe / IР lооkuр tооl / SEО Meta tags sсаnner tооl / SSL сertifiсаte сheсker tооl / W3С Mаrkuр Vаlidаtiоn Tооl / Website teсhnоlоgy stасk сheсker tооl / Website раge аsset аnаlyzer / website uptime monitoring tооl / Раge lоаd аnаlyzer tool
Best suited forSmall businesses, Mid size businesses, Large enterprisesFreelancers, Small businesses, Mid size businesses
Website languagesEnglishEnglish
Website URLVisit official websiteVisit official website
Support linkSupport pageSupport page
Live chatYesYes
Company addressUnited States24A Trolley Square PMB 2111, Wilmington DE, 19806, US
Year founded20072022

Pricing comparison

Compare the price between Sucuri vs Hexometer

Find out which software has the best valuable pricing, which one offers a free trial and money back guarantee.

Pricing comparisonSucuriHexometer
Pricing rangeFrom $199 to $499 per monthFrom $0 to $48 per month
Pricing typesAnnual subscription / Monthly subscriptionAnnual subscription / Monthly subscription
Free planNoYes
Free trialNoNo
Money back guaranteeYes, 30 daysYes, 30 days
Pricing page linkSee plansSee plans

Sucuri Pricing details

Sucuri offers a range of pricing plans under their Website Security Platform, allowing website owners to choose the option that best suits their security requirements. The plans include the Basic Plan, priced at $199.99 for 30 days.

The Professional Plan, available at $299.99 for 12 months, includes scanning every 12 hours, providing advanced security features and continuous website surveillance. For those seeking comprehensive security measures, the Business Plan is priced at $499.99 for 6 months, offering scanning every 6 hours, along with DDoS protection and a website firewall.

These plans cater to websites of varying sizes and needs, allowing users to select the ideal combination of scanning frequency and service duration to safeguard their online presence effectively. With Sucuri’s flexible pricing options, website owners can benefit from reliable and comprehensive security solutions tailored to their specific requirements.

Sucuri Pricing

Basic Plan ($199.99)

  • Scanning every 30 minutes
  • Service duration of 30 days
  • Regular monitoring and protection against malware

Professional Plan ($299.99)

  • Offers scanning every 12 hours for a duration of 12 months
  • Suitable for websites that require regular monitoring
  • Advanced security features

Business Plan ($499.99)

  • Offers scanning every 6 hours, with a service duration of 6 months
  • Provides comprehensive security measures
  • DDoS protection and website firewall

Hexometer Pricing details

Hexometer standard plan costs you $12 per month. You can get two month free by subscribing the yearly plan.

Hexometer Monthly Pricing Plan

Hexometer regular pricing ranges from $10/month to $480/year and as for an agency its from $45/month to $1248.00/year.

A free trial and free version are both available.

Аll their раid рlаns аre соvered by their 30-dаy refund роliсy sо if Hexоmeter is nоt the right fit fоr yоur business we рrоvide а full refund.

Hexometer Agency Pricing

Hexometer Agency monthly pricing
