SentryPC vs Qustodio

The main difference between SentryPC and Qustodio is that Qustodio offer 30 days money back guarantee but SentryPC does not offer this.

In this versus, we compare SentryPC vs Qustodio in-depth to help you choose one of them. If you want to know more details, we recommend you to read our SentryPC review and Qustodio review.

However, you can also directly find the Best Parental Control Software, we list them by ranking (based on our review rating), you can find all the comparisons we made and we explain how you should choose the proper one.

Here is what we will talk about in the rest of this article:

Quick overview

SentryPC vs Qustodio at a Glance

To make your choice quick and efficient, here is a short summary about our comparison of SentryPC vs Qustodio. Find out their ratings, features, prices and then discover the winner of the versus.

Pros and Cons comparison

SentryPC Review – Computer Monitoring and Control Software

SentryPC Review – Computer Monitoring and Control Software

In this SentryPC review, you’ll find more information about its features, pricing, pros and cons and why you should …
Average Score 9.1
Customer support
Value for money
Ease of use
  • Easy to use
  • Complete activity overviews
  • Top usage reports
  • Free updates
  • Cloud storage
  • Advanced monitoring and filtering
  • Affordable pricing
  • The demo account is for a limited time
Qustodio Review – Parental Control Software

Qustodio Review – Parental Control Software

In this Qustodio review, you’ll find more information about its features, pricing, pros and cons and why you should …
Average Score 8.9
Customer support
Value for money
Ease of use
  • Supports desktops and mobiles
  • Free trial
  • 30 days location history
  • The child's app's optional SMS and phone monitoring SOS button raises the alert if there's a problem
  • Location alarms were raised incorrectly
  • Only Facebook is covered by the social surveillance function

Specifications comparison

FeaturesCloud Access / Dashboard / Easy to use / Monitoring / Parental Control / Screen time trackingBrowser history / Location tracking / Parental Control / Screen time tracking
Best suited forIndividuals, Small businesses, Mid size businesses, Large enterprisesIndividuals
Website languagesEnglishEnglish
Website URLVisit official websiteVisit official website
Support linkSupport pageSupport page
Live chatNoNo
Company addressN/ARoger de Flor 193, bajos 08013 Barcelona, Spain
Year founded20012012

Pricing comparison

Compare the price between SentryPC vs Qustodio

Find out which software has the best valuable pricing, which one offers a free trial and money back guarantee.

Pricing comparisonSentryPCQustodio
Pricing rangeFrom $69.95 to $9,995 per yearFrom $54.95 to $137.95 per year
Pricing typesAnnual subscriptionAnnual subscription
Free planNoYes
Free trialNoYes, 3 days
Money back guaranteeNoYes, 30 days
Pricing page linkSee plansSee plans

SentryPC Pricing details

SentryPC off six different types of subscription plans that users can select based on their needs. One is basic, which costs $69.95 per year, and if you want to buy an additional license, it costs you $29.95.

Business 50 costs $1,495.00 per year, and the additional license costs $29.90. The business 100 plan costs $2,495.00 per year, and each additional license costs $24.95.

The business 250 plan costs $4,995.00, and per additional license costs $19.98. The business 500 plan costs $7,495.00 annually, and the additional license costs $14.99.

The Final is the Business 1,000 plan which costs $9,995.00 annually and offers unlimited features. This Plan costs $9.99 per license if you want to buy an additional one.

Sentrypc pricing

Basic Plan ($69.95 per year):

  • Single License
  • Manage 1 device
  • 500 Screenshots
  • Store up to 500 screenshots

Business 50 ($1,495.00 per year):

  • 50 Licenses
  • Manage up to 50 devices
  • 500 Screenshots
  • Store up to 500 screenshots

Business 100 ($2,495.00 per year)

  • 100 Licenses
  • Manage up to 100 devices
  • 1,000 Screenshots
  • Store up to 1,000 screenshots

Business 250 ($4,995.00 per year):

  • 250 Licenses
  • Manage up to 250 devices
  • 1,000 Screenshots
  • Store up to 1,000 screenshots

Business 500 ($7,495.00 per year):

  • 500 Licenses
  • Manage up to 500 devices
  • 2,000 Screenshots
  • Store up to 2,000 screenshots

Business 1,000 ($9,995.00 per year):

  • 1,000 Licenses
  • Manage up to 1,000 devices
  • 2,000 Screenshots
  • Store up to 2,000 screenshots

Qustodio Pricing details

The Qustodio pricing has 3 different packages named small medium and large. You can use the variation of package depending on how many device you want to control over.

Qustodio pricing

The Qustodio pricing has 3 different packages depending on how many devices you wanna protect:

  • Qustodio’ small plan costs $55 per year, or $4.58 per month, a small package includes up to 5 devices.
  • For $97 per year ($8.08 a month), the Medium plan includes support service, initial setup help, and coverage for up to 10 devices.
  • The Large plan from Qustodio increases modules to a total of 20, but it also raises the cost to a whopping $138 per year, or $11.50 per month.

To put it in context, Kaspersky Safe Kids costs $15 per year and protects unlimited devices. If you’re looking for a security software, Kaspersky Total Security contains antivirus, a firewall, a password manager, and more, as well as Safe Kids, for $50 in the first year and $100 on renewal. However, the price isn’t as essential as how effectively a parental controls software works, which Qustodio makes clear. Just by signing up for an account, you may get a 3-day free trial. After that, a free edition allows you to use certain functions, allowing you as much time as you will need to acquire a basic understanding of the system’s capabilities.

SentryPC vs Qustodio
SentryPC vs Qustodio
