The main difference between Fxify and TopStep is that TopStep offers a money back guarantee for 3 days but Fxify does not offer this.
In this versus, we compare Fxify vs TopStep in-depth to help you choose one of them. If you want to know more details, we recommend you to read our Fxify review and TopStep review.
However, you can also directly find the Best Funded trading account, we list them by ranking (based on our review rating), you can find all the comparisons we made and we explain how you should choose the proper one.
Here is what we will talk about in the rest of this article:
To make your choice quick and efficient, here is a short summary about our comparison of TopStep vs Fxify. Find out their ratings, features, prices and then discover the winner of the versus.
Navigate the pricing landscape of Fxify, where clarity meets flexibility. In this section, we explore the diverse pricing range of Fxify, stretching from an accessible $175 to a comprehensive $1,999. This pricing structure is tailored to accommodate various levels of trading ambitions and capital requirements. Whether you’re a budding trader or a seasoned market player, understanding Fxify’s pricing model is key to unlocking a world of trading possibilities, where each investment in your trading journey brings you closer to your financial goals.
Fxify offers a range of pricing options for its assessment fees, which vary depending on the level of capital access required by the trader. The fees are structured as follows:
Assessment Fees: These fees range between $175 and $1,999. The pricing increases with the level of funding a trader applies for. This structure is designed to cater to traders of different experience levels and capital requirements.
Account Sizes and Corresponding Fees:
For a $25,000 account, the minimum evaluation fee is $175.
A $50,000 account has an assessment fee of $325.
For a $100,000 account, the fee is $475.
A $200,000 account comes with a fee of $999.
The highest, a $400,000 account, has an assessment fee of $1,999.
Profit Split: Traders can receive 100% of the cost of the assessment fee plus an extra 25% with their first withdrawal. This incentive is designed to reward successful traders and offset the initial assessment cost.
Discounts: Occasionally, discounts are offered on these fees. For instance, a 2-Phase, 100K account challenge might have an original price of $475 but could be available at a discounted price of $380.
These pricing options reflect Fxify’s commitment to providing accessible trading opportunities for a wide range of traders, from beginners to more experienced individuals, while also ensuring that the platform caters to serious traders who are committed to their trading careers.
Step into the pricing landscape of TopStep, where accessibility meets opportunity. In this section, we unravel the pricing structure that makes TopStep an attractive choice for traders. With plans starting as low as $49 per month, TopStep offers a range of options to suit various trading styles and goals.
Whether you’re eyeing the $50K, $100K, or the $150K buying power plans, each comes with its own set of benefits and challenges, tailored to empower your trading journey without breaking the bank.
TopStep offers various pricing plans for their Trading Combine® program, each tailored to different levels of buying power:
$50K Buying Power Plan
Monthly Price: $165 USD, with varying rates in other currencies.
Profit Target: $3,000.
Maximum Position Size: 5 Contracts.
Maximum Loss Limit: $2,000.
$100K Buying Power Plan
Monthly Price: $325 USD, with different rates for other currencies.
Profit Target: $6,000.
Maximum Position Size: 10 Contracts.
Maximum Loss Limit: $3,000.
$150K Buying Power Plan
Monthly Price: $375 USD, and respective rates in other currencies.
Profit Target: $9,000.
Maximum Position Size: 15 Contracts.
Maximum Loss Limit: $4,500.
These plans are designed to cater to traders with varying levels of experience and risk appetite, offering different levels of challenge and potential earnings. Each plan comes with its own set of targets and limits, allowing traders to choose the one that best fits their trading style and goals.