Filmora 12 vs Movavi

The main difference between Filmora 12 and Movavi is their approach to video editing software. Filmora 12 is known for its user-friendly interface and extensive library of creative tools and effects. It is suitable for beginners and content creators that are looking for a quick and easy editing process. It prioritizes simplicity and creativitiy. On the other hand, Movavi offers a more comprehensive set of professional-grade video editing features which makes it an ideal choice for advanced users, video enthusiasts, and those looking for more precise editing controls. It is known for its versatility and in-depth editing capabilities.

In this versus, we compare Filmora 12 vs Movavi in-depth to help you choose one of them. If you want to know more details, we recommend you to read our Filmora 12 review and Movavi review.

However, you can also directly find the Best Video Editing Software, we list them by ranking (based on our review rating), you can find all the comparisons we made and we explain how you should choose the proper one.

Here is what we will talk about in the rest of this article:

Quick overview

Filmora 12 vs Movavi at a Glance

To make your choice quick and efficient, here is a short summary about our comparison of Filmora 12 vs Movavi. Find out their ratings, features, prices and then discover the winner of the versus.

Pros and Cons comparison

Filmora 12 Review – Powerful Editing Tool for PC

Filmora 12 Review – Powerful Editing Tool for PC Editor choice

In this Filmora 12 review, you’ll find more information about its features, pricing, pros and cons and why you should …
Average Score 9.7
Customer support
Value for money
Ease of use
  • Professional Advanced Features + AI features
  • Quite cheap
  • 5 Million+ Effects & Materials
  • Support Multi-Platforms / Cloud Sync
  • ChatGPT is now integrated
  • Silence detection and removal
  • Tuning tools are less competitive
  • Program crash occasionally
Movavi Review – Video Editor Plus

Movavi Review – Video Editor Plus

In this Movavi review, you’ll find more information about its features, pricing, pros and cons and why you should …
Average Score 9.3
Customer support
Value for money
Ease of use
  • Exсeedingly simрle fоr newсоmers with nо рriоr videо editing exрerienсe
  • Cоmраtible with Miсrоsоft Windоws 7 аnd аbоve. Yоu mаy аlsо use it оn Аррlе's Mас ОS
  • Tоns оf рrеmium fеаtures likе timeline mаrkers, аnimаtiоn орtiоns, editing videо trасk
  • Built-in trаining mоdulе tо shоrtеn the leаrning сurvе
  • Prосessing оf 4K videоs
  • Offеrs сhrоmа key, РiР, titling, mоtiоn trасking (suсh аs fоr slоw mоtiоn оf the videо trасks), keyfrаming, subtitles, аnd even slоw mоtiоn
  • Pre-setting sequenсes, trаnsitiоns, аnd grарhiсs аt the stаrt оf yоur videоs fоr соnsistenсy
  • Rесоrds tо the sоftwаre dirесtlу frоm а соnnесtеd саmеrа, iРhоnе, Аndrоid deviсe, оr webсаm, аnd even dо а sсreen сарture
  • Rendering lаrge videо files nоtiсeаbly slоw
  • Dоes nоt suрроrt H.265
  • Limited соntrоl оver sоme оf the effeсts (fоr exаmрle, title аdditiоn аnd editing)

Specifications comparison

DetailsFilmora 12Movavi
FeaturesAudio / Color / Distinct Effects / Video editingSlideshоw Videо Mаker / Sсreen Reсоrder / Titles, Filters, аnd Trаnsitiоns / Рiсverse Рhоtо Editоr
Best suited forIndividuals, Freelancers, Small businesses, Mid size businessesIndividuals, Freelancers, Small businesses
Website languagesArabic / Chinese / English / French / German / Indonesian / Italian / Japanese / Korean / Portuguese / Russian / SpanishArabic / Chinese / Deutsch / English / French / Italian / Japanese / Korean / Nederlands / Norsk / Portuguese / Russian / Spanish / Turkish
Website URLVisit official websiteVisit official website
Support linkSupport pageSupport page
Live chatYesNo
Company address10th floor, 5D, Shenzhen Software Industrial Base, Haitian 2nd Rd, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, P.R.China 518057Limassol, Limassol, Cyprus
Year founded20232004

Pricing comparison

Compare the price between Filmora 12 vs Movavi

Find out which software has the best valuable pricing, which one offers a free trial and money back guarantee.

Pricing comparisonFilmora 12Movavi
Pricing rangeFrom $49.99 to $79.99From $39 per month to $186.95 per year
Pricing typesAnnual subscription / Monthly subscription / One-time paymentAnnual subscription / Monthly subscription
Free planYesNo
Free trialNoNo
Money back guaranteeYes, 30 daysYes, 30 days
Pricing page linkSee plansSee plans

Filmora 12 Pricing details

After trying Filmora 12 free version, you can subscribe to unlock all its features. For $69.99, you can renew your license every year, but for $79.99, you can buy a permanent license that never runs out. Each single-seat license can only be used on one computer, but there are different prices for licenses that can be used by more than one person.

However, you can purchase a lifetime license for a little fee. The fixed plans are a Monthly plan for a $19.99 discounted rate a month, an Annual Plan for $69.99 a month, and Perpetual License for a $79.99 discounted rate once.

You can use a certain version of Filmora 12 for an unlimited amount of time if you purchase a license that is considered to be perpetual. As a direct consequence of this, the strategy does not account for any upcoming improvements to Filmora 12. It is possible that you will be required to pay a nominal renewal fee in order to maintain access to updates and customer support.

Filmora 12 Pricing

Monthly Plan ($29.99 but discounted to $19.99 per month):

  • Each feature included
  • Free updates are available
  • For Windows Version

Annual Plan ($89.99 but discounted to $69.99 annually):

  • Every feature contained
  • Updates are free
  • Technical support
  • For Windows PC, Mac OS, Android, iPhone, iPad, Android Tablet

Perpetual License ($109.99 but discounted to $79.99 once):

  • Every advanced feature contained
  • No update
  • Technical support
  • For Windows PC

Movavi Pricing details

Movavi costs from $39/month to $186.95/year. Finаl price negоtiаtiоns tо рurсhаse Movavi Video Editor Plus must be соnduсted with the seller.

Аll Mоvаvi рrоduсts hаve a trial version whiсh аllоws yоu tо tаke the рrоgrаm fоr а ‘test-drive’ аnd see whether it meets аll yоur needs.

Mavivo Video Editor Plus Pricing

Mоvаvi video editor plus оffers severаl рriсing рlаns: Persоnаl  1-yeаr  subsсriрtiоn соsts  $54.95 and persоnаl lifetime соsts  $74.95. Business  1-yeаr  subsсriрtiоn  соsts  $101.95 whilst business lifetime соsts  $186.95.

Movavi Video Editor Plus Pricing for Mac

Movavi Video Editor Plus Pricing for Mac

Movavi offers 3 different subscription plans. You can buy the video editor with 1 year subscription for $49.95 per year, or you can buy it for lifetime for $69.95. The other 2 plans of Movavi range from $155.95 for 1 year to $237.95 for 1 year. On the other hand, Filmora 12 uses a subscription-based model. Its pricing may vary depending on the subscription plan which ranges from a minimum of $19.99 per month for 1 user to a maximum of $155.88 per year for a team plan. So, by looking at the flexible pricing options and low pricing offered by Filmora 12, we can declare it winner in terms of low pricing.

🏆 Winner: Filmora 12

Learn more in the section below with our comparison of the different features of Filmora 12 vs Movavi .

Features comparison

We highlight the main differences between Filmora 12 vs Movavi

Here is a quick summary of the differences between the features and services offered by Filmora 12 vs Movavi:

Features overview

In this section, we will compare only the big differences between Filmora 12 and Movavi, and we will assign a winner for each feature or service.
So we will compare first:

  • Pricing and Affordability
  • Ease of Use
  • Video Editing Tools
  • Effects and Transitions
  • Export and Sharing

Pricing and Affordability

Movavi offers a straightforward pricing structure. You can whether buy a yearly subscription or a lifetime license. On the other hand, Filmora 12 offers a plenty of subscription options. These subscription plans are less costly as compared to the pricing of Movavi. So, this makes Filmora 12 winner.

🏆 Winner: Filmora 12

Ease of Use

Filmora 12 offers an intuitive and beginner-friendly user interface with a drag-and-drop timeline which makes it easy for newcomers to start editing. On the other hand, Movavi also provides a user-friendly interface but includes a wide range of advanced tools for experienced users which may have a learning curve. So, Filmora 12 is the winner for ease of use. 

🏆 Winner: Filmora 12

Video Editing Tools

Filmora 12 offers a comprehensive set of video editing tools, including basic editing features, advanced effects, and pre-built templates for quick edits. On the other hand, Movavi provides a wide range of professional-grade video editing tools, with advanced options for precise editing, color correction, and keyframe animation.

🏆 Winner: Movavi

Effects and Transitions

Filmora 12 has an extensive library of creative effects, transitions, and titles which makes it suitable for adding flair to videos. On the other hand, Movavi offers a range of effects and transitions, but it may have a slightly smaller library compared to Filmora 12.

🏆 Winner: Filmora 12

Export and Sharing

Filmora 12 supports various export options, including direct sharing to social media platforms and the ability to save videos in multiple formats and resolutions. On the other hand, Movavi also provides a similar range of export options which enable users to save videos in different formats and share them on various platforms.

🏆 Winner: Tie

User Reviews

Find out what current users think about Filmora 12 and Movavi

If you need some external reviews of Ciroapp, you can read the reviews written by their users. Feel free to add your own on these platforms once you are an experienced user of Filmora 12 or Movavi, to help our community to choose.

Filmora 12 Reviews

Filmora 12 Review – Powerful Editing Tool for PC

Filmora 12 Review – Powerful Editing Tool for PC Editor choice

In this Filmora 12 review, you’ll find more information about its features, pricing, pros and cons and why you should …

Movavi Reviews

Movavi Review – Video Editor Plus

Movavi Review – Video Editor Plus

In this Movavi review, you’ll find more information about its features, pricing, pros and cons and why you should …

Now that you have read everything and know all the differences between Filmora 12 and Movavi, it’s time to define a winner! Find out in the following whom the winner of this versus is ⚡.


Filmora 12 vs Movavi: Who is the winner?

Filmora 12 is the winner due to its combination of competitive pricing and a feature-rich platform that caters to both beginners and creative video editors. It offers a user-friendly experience and a wide array of creative tools.

On the other hand, Movavi is the runner-up for its unique features, advanced video editing capabilities, and precision tools. So, if you are looking for an expert level tool for video editing, then you must try Movavi.


Movavi vs Filmora 12: Which one will you use?

At Ciroapp, we are always striving to provide the best possible experience for our readers. We understand that making a decision between two software can be a difficult task. That’s why we want to hear from you! Your valuable opinion can help us improve our future versus articles and guide our readers in making informed decisions. By casting your vote, you not only help us, but also the community of readers who rely on our content. So, share your thoughts with us and let us know which software you prefer!

Which one will you use?
