Огляд Google Calendar, ціни, функції з перевагами та недоліками

У цьому огляді Proton Calendar ви знайдете більше інформації про його функції, ціни, переваги та недоліки, а також чому вам слід розглянути можливість його використання.
9/10 (Експертний бал)
Продукт оцінюється як #2 в категорії Календар
9Експертний бал
Спільний онлайн-календар

Відкрийте світ бездоганного планування з Google Calendar, вашим ідеальним інструментом для управління численними вимогами життя. Відчуйте високий рівень зручності у використанні, безліч постійно оновлюваних функцій і бездоганну інтеграцію з іншими сервісами Google. Незалежно від того, чи є ви багаторазовим завантаженим працівником, зайнятим професіоналом або просто кимось, хто прагне навести порядок у хаосі, Google Calendar пропонує налаштовуваний та ефективний спосіб керувати своїм часом як професіонал.

Підтримка клієнтів
Ціна та якість
Легкість у використанні
  • Висока налаштовуваність
  • Багатий на функції
  • Легкий у використанні інтерфейс
  • Ефективне управління часом
  • Інтеграція з іншими сервісами Google
  • Крива навчання
  • Проблеми з нагадуваннями
  • Справжні збої
  • Обмежені можливості в офлайн-режимі

Are you drowning in a sea of tasks, appointments, and deadlines? Discover how Google Calendar can be your lifebuoy, offering not just a digital calendar but a complete time management ecosystem.

From multitaskers and project managers to students and teams, find out why this feature-rich platform is more than just a scheduling tool—it’s your personal assistant for a more organized life. Dive into the pros and cons to see if it’s the right fit for you.

Читайте далі, щоб дізнатися більше про Proton Calendar; у нашому огляді ми детально розглянемо його особливості, переваги та недоліки, надамо нашу оцінку та зробимо висновок про те, чому вам варто його використовувати.

Натисніть «відкрити», якщо хочете побачити, про що йтиметься в решті цієї статті.


What is Google Calendar?

Google Календар is a shareable online scheduling tool that integrates seamlessly across Google Workspace.

Designed to simplify planning, it consolidates multiple calendars into a single view, allowing for efficient management of work tasks, personal commitments, and everything in between.

Users can add tasks directly from Google Calendar, Gmail, or the Google Tasks app, and set due dates for completion. The platform also offers advanced features like layering multiple calendars, shared calendars, and automatic event addition from emails.

Premium features, available on Google Workspace Business and Enterprise plans, include advanced scheduling options, time insights, and location-specific RSVPs.

Google Calendar specifications

ОсобливостіAppointment Scheduling / Calendar management / Custom View / Customize Notification Time / Desktop Notifications / Event Scheduling / Events Tracker / Google calendar sync / Google meet integration / In-Meeting Collaboration and Participation / Insights / Keyboard Shortcuts / Set Default Duration for Meetings / Shared Calendars / Sync with CRM / Time insights
Найкраще підходить дляІндивідууми, Фрілансери, Невеликі бізнеси, Середні бізнеси, Великі підприємства
Мови вебсайтівChinese / Danish / Deutsch / English / French / Indonesian / Italian / Japanese / Korean / Malay / Nederlands / Norsk / Polsky / Portuguese / Russian / Spanish / Suomi / Svenska / Thai / Turkish / Vietnamese
URL сайтуВідвідайте офіційний вебсайт
Посилання підтримкиСторінка підтримки
Живий чатНі
Адрес компаніїМонтейн-В’ю, Каліфорнія
Рік заснування2009


Google Calendar pricing: How much does Google Calendar cost?

Google Calendar is available as a free service for individual users. However, if you’re looking for additional features like advanced scheduling options and increased storage, it’s included in the paid Google Workspace plans.

These plans start at $6 USD per user per month and offer a range of additional functionalities and services beyond just Google Calendar.

Ціновий діапазонВід $0 до $18 на місяць
Типи ціноутворенняЩомісячна підписка
Безкоштовний планТак.
Безкоштовна пробна версіяТак, 14 днів
Гарантія повернення грошейНі
Посилання на сторінку цін.Переглянути плани

Google Calendar pricing plans

%%tb-альтернативний текст зображення%%

Бізнес Стартова версія: Priced at $6 USD per user per month with a 1-year commitment, this plan includes:

      • Індивідуальна та безпечна бізнес-електронна пошта
      • 100 учасників візуальних зустрічей
      • 30 GB pooled storage per user
      • Контроль безпеки та управління
      • Стандартна підтримка

Бізнес Стандарт: Costs $12 USD per user per month with a 1-year commitment and offers:

      • Індивідуальна та безпечна бізнес-електронна пошта
      • 150 participant video meetings + recording
      • 2 TB pooled storage per user
      • Контроль безпеки та управління
      • Стандартна підтримка (платне оновлення до Розширеної підтримки)

Бізнес Плюс: Priced at $18 USD per user per month with a 1-year commitment, this plan includes:

      • Індивідуальна та безпечна ділова електронна пошта + eDiscovery, збереження,
      • 1000 учасників відеозустрічей + запис, стеження за відвідуваністю,
      • 5 TB pooled storage per user
      • Enhanced security and management controls, including Vault and advanced endpoint management
      • Стандартна підтримка (платне оновлення до Розширеної підтримки)

Підприємство: For this plan, you’ll need to contact sales for pricing. It offers:

      • Custom and secure business email + eDiscovery, retention, S/MIME encryption
      • 1000 participant video meetings + recording, attendance tracking, noise cancellation, in-domain live streaming
      • 5 TB pooled storage per user, with the ability to request more
      • Advanced security, management, and compliance controls, including Vault, DLP, data regions, and enterprise endpoint management
      • Enhanced Support (paid upgrade to Premium Support)

Note: All plans can be purchased for a maximum of 300 users. There is no minimum or maximum user limit for Enterprise plans.


Google Calendar features: What can you do with it?

Whether you’re an individual looking to organize your life or a business seeking a centralized scheduling solution, Google Calendar’s robust features have got you covered.

From multiple calendars and group scheduling options to seamless integration with other Google services, explore how Google Calendar can redefine your time management experience.

google calendar overview 1

Create Multiple Calendars

You can create multiple calendars to manage different aspects of your life, such as work, personal commitments, and hobbies.

To create a new calendar, click the plus sign next to “My calendars” and follow the setup process. You can also color-code each calendar for easy identification.

Add Google Meet to Events

You can add a Google Meet video call link directly to your calendar events. This is especially useful for remote meetings, as attendees can join the meeting with just one click.

Attach Documents

Google Calendar allows you to attach documents, such as Google Docs or PDFs, directly to events. This ensures that all attendees have access to necessary materials before the meeting starts.

Schedule Meetings with Groups

google calendar team

Google Calendar offers two features for group scheduling: “Find a time” and “Suggested times.” Both options analyze the availability of all attendees and suggest suitable time slots.

“Find a time” displays everyone’s schedules side-by-side, while “Suggested times” provides a dropdown list of available slots.

Sync with CRM

If you use a CRM system, you can integrate it with Google Calendar. This feature allows you to sync meetings and other events between the two platforms, eliminating the need to manually update both.

Hide Event Details

For sensitive or private meetings, you can set the event to “Private.” This ensures that only you can see the event details, while others will see you as “Busy” during that time slot.

Enable World Clock

The World Clock feature displays multiple time zones on the side of your calendar. This is particularly useful for scheduling meetings with international participants.

Set Working Hours

google calendar working hours

You can specify your working hours in Google Calendar. If someone tries to schedule a meeting outside of these hours, they will receive a notification, reducing the likelihood of scheduling conflicts.

Email Event Guests

This feature enables you to send an email to all event attendees directly from the calendar. This is useful for sending updates or reminders related to the event.

Specify Meeting Locations

google calendar location

You can add specific addresses or locations to your events. These addresses integrate with Google Maps, providing attendees with directions to the meeting location.

Use Desktop Notifications

Instead of intrusive pop-up alerts, you can enable desktop notifications. These notifications slide in from the corner of your screen, providing a less disruptive reminder of upcoming events.

Customize Notification Time

You can set custom notification times for each event. This allows you to receive reminders at intervals that suit you, ranging from minutes to weeks before the event starts.

Arrange Appointment Schedules

google calendar appointment schedule

The “Appointment slots” feature allows you to carve out specific times for appointments. You can then share these slots with others via a private calendar link, allowing them to book time with you.

Browse Calendars of Interest

Google Calendar offers a variety of public calendars that you can subscribe to. These can range from public holidays to sports schedules, helping you stay updated on events that interest you.

Implement a Custom View

You can customize the calendar view to show your preferred time range, such as a week, month, or a specific number of days. This helps you focus on the time frame that is most relevant to you.

Share Calendars

You can share your calendar with others and set varying levels of permissions. This allows for collaborative planning and ensures that everyone is on the same page.

Time insights

google calendar insights

Time Insights is an advanced feature that analyzes your schedule to provide a comprehensive view of how you’re spending your time and with whom.

By categorizing your activities and meetings, it offers valuable insights into your time management patterns. This feature is particularly useful for professionals who want to optimize their workday and gain a better understanding of their time allocation.

Use Keyboard Shortcuts

Google Calendar supports a variety of keyboard shortcuts for quick navigation and task execution. For example, pressing “t” will move your calendar view to today, and “c” will create a new event.

Quick Shortcuts for Time Navigation

You can use keyboard shortcuts like “G” to quickly jump to a specific date and “T” to return to the current date/time. This eliminates the need for manual scrolling through the calendar.

Set Default Duration for Meetings

You can set a default duration for new meetings, helping you manage your time more efficiently. For example, you can set a default duration of 20 minutes for quick check-ins.


Google Calendar review: Why you should use it?

Google Calendar is particularly beneficial for individuals who juggle multiple responsibilities, whether in a professional setting, academic environment, or personal life.

It’s a go-to solution for freelancers, project managers, students, and anyone who needs to keep track of various tasks and appointments. The software is also ideal for teams and organizations that require a centralized scheduling system.

It offers a seamless user experience and a variety of features that make time management more effective. The software is continually updated with useful presets for common events like meditation and gym sessions.

Переваги та недоліки


  • Effective Time Management: Google Calendar excels in helping you manage your daily routine and time. It’s particularly useful for multitaskers who need to juggle various commitments.
  • Користувацький досвід: The platform offers an intuitive and easy-to-navigate interface. Even if you’re new to digital calendars, you’ll find it easy to get started.
  • Багатий на функції: The software is continuously updated to include useful features. For example, it offers presets for common events like meditation sessions or gym time, making it easier to schedule recurring activities.
  • Integration with Other Google Services: Google Calendar can be seamlessly integrated with other Google services like Google Meet and Google Tasks, providing a unified platform for all your scheduling needs.
  • Налаштування: The ability to create multiple calendars, set custom reminders, and even attach documents to events makes it highly customizable to fit individual needs.


  • Application Crashes: Some users have reported occasional application crashes, which can be disruptive, especially if you’re in the middle of scheduling or attending a meeting.
  • Event Reminder Issues: There have been instances where the software does not mark the event as a reminder for all participants, leading to potential miscommunication.
  • Limited Offline Capabilities: While you can view your calendar offline, the functionality for making changes is limited when you’re not connected to the internet.
  • Крива навчання для розширених функцій: While the basic features are easy to use, some of the more advanced functionalities may require a bit of time to master.

By weighing these pros and cons, you can make an informed decision on whether Google Calendar is the right scheduling tool for you.


Часто задавані питання

Огляд Google Calendar, ціни, функції з перевагами та недоліками
Огляд Google Calendar, ціни, функції з перевагами та недоліками
