You may purchase and sell everything needed to create a website or other online project on TemplateMonster, a digital marketplace. They provide over 50,000 website layouts, plugins, and images to suit every preference.
What is the most obvious way to increase the sales of your digital products? We believe that it all depends on the number of channels through which you sell your assortment. Fortunately, you can find an incredible number of digital marketplaces on the Internet.
They are happy to provide a platform for, as an example, first-quality website templates, graphic tools, 3D models, video materials, and other products. Today, we would like to talk about one of the decent options that deserve your attention. As you might have already guessed, we are talking about TemplateMonster digital marketplace and all the impressive benefits it can offer you.
Read further to learn more about TemplateMonster, in our review we will detail its features, pros and cons with our rating, and a conclusion about why you should use it.
Click on “open” if you want to see exactly what we will talk about in the rest of this article.
TemplateMonster digital marketplace has already sold a huge number of digital products created by talented creators. What is more important, these authors come from all over the world. Do you want to join this powerful team and win your audience? Let’s then find out all the necessary information about this platform here and now.
Needless to say, all marketplaces differ from each other in many ways. There is no doubt that the TemplateMonster digital marketplace has many key features. Everyone should know before creating an account and uploading their products. For example, every potential author should be familiar with the terms of sale, commission percent, and other details.
TemplateMonster features: What can you do with it?
TemplateMonster has been around for over eighteen years. Nowadays, it has a loyal audience that comes back again and again for high-quality digital products. However, it would be a lie if we said that the company’s success happened overnight.
herefore, we invite you to look through the history of this platform and understand how it managed to reach such unexpected heights. So, get ready to get back to the very beginning.
TemplateMonster Digital Marketplace: Coming Back to the Very Beginning
TemplateMonster was created in 2002.
The team did their best to stand out from the crowd of other HTML template providers. You know, it managed to succeed in this task. Within a year, the platform became the leader among ready-made solutions providers. It also launched an affiliate program.
In 2004, the first templates for eCommerce platforms appeared in the site’s assortment.
In 2005, users got a chance to choose their ideal template from among 10,000 options. It is also important to mention that TemplateMonster also launched a blog called MonsterPost Blog. It is still working these days to provide web-design fans with the latest information on the latest news and updates. You can also read posts with various WordPress guides and get a lot of freebies.
In 2006, one of the most important events happened. It was the beginning of the WordPress era.
Two years later, this resource could boast about a large assortment of templates. Its number reached 20,000.
Without a doubt, TemplateMonster’s development did not stand still. In 2010, the number of templates exceeded the number of 30,000.
An international audience is an important component that would be wrong to forget. For this reason, the team launched three localized versions of the site. These were Spanish, German, and Russian localizations. Nowadays, people are ready to browse the site using a bigger number of languages.
In 2017, many independent authors finally got what they wanted. TemplateMonster digital marketplace has finally appeared on the Internet. Obviously, many web designers and developers have decided to give preference to this platform.
In 2018, TM Studio appeared. It became a reliable assistant for those who do not understand programming. A team of professionals helps with the installation of templates, content writing, and marketing.
A year later, MonsterONE subscription appeared. It contains the best templates from the TemplateMonster digital marketplace. Among them, you can find ready-made templates, graphics, plugins, stock images, audios, and other products. It has three paid plans, as well as a free plan. It allows understanding how the service works and downloading some basic products.
Another achievement happened in 2020. The number of templates added by independent authors reached the number of 20,000.
TemplateMonster Digital Marketplace: Does It Have Everything to Realize Your Creator’s Dreams?
As we have already said, each marketplace has its requirements for products and conditions of sale. And, of course, TemplateMonster digital marketplace is no exception. Therefore, we should go through all the necessary points so as not to make you feel confused.
TemplateMonster Digital Marketplace: Main Characteristics and Advantages to Remember
To begin with, TemplateMonster digital marketplace opens its doors to all creators. It does not matter what digital products you have an interest in selling. You can always visit the site to see their full range of products. If you do not find the type of products that you want to offer, just contact the team and submit your request. What about the most popular products that are always in high demand? These are WordPress and eCommerce templates, HTML templates, graphic elements, plugins, and many others. The number of authors and clients is closely interconnected. As a result, there is no surprise that the network of buyers exceeds the number of two million.
The team tries their utmost to improve the terms and conditions for all the authors. For example, it has already improved the payment system by making it more transparent. If you have any problems with uploading products to the site, you can always contact a manager.
It’s also important to mention that you can upload unlimited digital products to the TemplateMonster digital marketplace. To increase your earnings, you can add your products to the aforementioned MonsterONE subscription. Learn more in our MonsterONE review.
By the way, you can chat with other authors in the dedicated community on Facebook. It is a perfect place for everyone who is looking for ways to share their experience and keep in touch with other authors. It is also important to remember that many instructions on the site will help beginners understand how the platform works. You will learn how to upload your products, receive payments, and track your sales.
A team of professionals will quickly review your products. You have a chance to change the product if something is wrong with it and upload it later.
More About Commission Payments on the Template Digital Marketplace
If you only sell your products on theTemplateMonster digital marketplace, your commission will be 50-65%.
Your commission will start at 40% if you sell your assortment on several sites at the same time.
More sales mean a bigger commission payment that can rise to 65%.
Authors who upload graphic elements always receive a 65% commission. The percentage does not depend on the exclusivity of products.
Creators of templates for Shopify and OpenCart can set the price for their templates themselves starting from $29.
TemplateMonster digital marketplace also welcomes those who want to be partners and contributors at the same time. In this case, the commission of these users might increase up to 95%. To get such an impressive benefit, you need to join an affiliate program, TemplateMonster Affiliate Program. It can bring you an additional 30% for your payments.
TemplateMonster review: Why you should use it?
In fact, it might seem that choosing the best marketplace is a daunting task. After familiarizing yourself with all the features of the particular resource, you will not have any problems. It is time to make a conclusion about the TemplateMonster digital marketplace. We believe that this platform opens up a few incredible opportunities for authors. Decent commission payments, several ways to increase earnings, a transparent system of getting payments, and other advantages. We would be pleased if we were submitting our assortment to the site.
Therefore, this platform is a great place to sell various digital products. You can sell website templates, graphics, plugins, audio and video, stock images, 3D models, and other items. We hope that you are no longer looking for the answer to the questions about where to sell WordPress themes and other assets. Do not forget about our promo code ciroapp that gives a 7% discount on all the WordPress themes by TemplateMonster. Thanks for reading!
TemplateMonster review – Website Templates, Plugins, and Graphics Digital Marketplace