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Read further to learn more about Dokan, in our review we will detail its features, pros and cons with our rating, and a conclusion about why you should use it.
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What is Dokan?
För Dokan, Wedevs is constantly evolving in terms of marketplace functionality and maintenance. Basically, it is a great value that we recommend without question.
The Dokan plugin has the most functionalities, is the most powerful and the most trusted to establish itself in a fascinating marketplace world. It will give you the ability to grow your startup business to worldwide level with low financial burden.
Dokan is the best multivendor wordpress plugin for wordpress websites. This free (or paid plug-in with additional features) will transform your WordPress website into a marketplace website with multiple vendors.
Dokan specifications
Funktioner | Multivendor-plugin / Wordpress-plugin |
Bäst lämpad för | Individer, Frilansare, Småföretag |
Webbplatsens språk | Svenska |
Webbplatsens URL | Besök den officiella webbplatsen |
Supportlänk | Support-sida |
Livchatt | Ja |
Företagets adress | 160 Robinson Road #14-04 Singapore Business Federation Centre, SINGAPORE 068914 |
Grundades år | 2013 |
Dokan pricing: How much does Dokan cost?
Dokan starterplan kostar dig $149 per år. Du kan spara upp till 35% om du köper livstidsdealen.
Prisspann | Från $149 till $999 per år |
Prissättningstyper | Årsprenumeration / Livstidsbetalning |
Gratisplan | Ja |
Gratis provperiod | Nej |
Pengarna-tillbaka-garanti | Ja, 14 dagar |
Prissättningssida länk | Se planer |
Dokan pricing plans
För användare som vill upptäcka Dokan-pluginet finns det en gratisversion i WordPress-butiken. Dokans gratisformel kan vara tillräcklig för dig och är inte direkt begränsad. Men den kommer inte att ha alla funktioner som är viktiga för den snabba utvecklingen och tillväxten av din marknadsplats. Du kommer inte heller att ha fördelarna med Dokans kundservice.
Enkelt uttryckt, du kommer att ha leverantörer med mycket grundläggande funktioner och det är det hela.
Dokans prissättningsmodell börjar med långsiktig planering. Den är utformad för att utvecklas tillsammans med dig när din marknadsplats växer. Även nya butiksegare för leverantörer med en budget kan få tillgång till Dokan-planen gratis och fortfarande dra nytta av tjänsten.
Dokan har mycket anpassade prenumerationspaket och de erbjuder fem olika prissättningsplaner, från gratisnivån till affärsnivån. Marknadsoperatörer behöver olika roller vid olika stadier av butikstillväxt. Dessutom har du möjlighet att betala årligen eller utnyttja deras livstidsanbud, vilket tar cirka 3 år.
Starterplanen kostar $149/år eller $596 livstids och erbjuder alla funktioner som den kostnadsfria versionen, medan den inkluderar några extra funktioner:
- Kommissionstyper
- Frontend-produkter Leverantörshantering
- Maktfulla rapporter
- Social inloggning
- 1 Premium Modulen
- 1 Sitelicens
- Support baserat på biljetter
Den professionella planen kostar $249/år eller $933 livstid och erbjuder alla funktioner som den första versionen medan den inkluderar några ytterligare funktioner:
- WC Produkt Tilläggsintegration
- Leverantörsrecension
- Butiksstöd
- Leverantörsverifiering
- PayPal, Stripe och Moip
- Prenumerationer
- 9 Premiummoduler
- 3 webbplatslicens
Affärspaketet kostar $ 499/år eller $1746 livstid och erbjuder alla funktioner som Professionell Plan medan det inkluderar några ytterligare funktioner:
- Produktplan
- WC Bokat Integrering
- Geolokalisering
- Export-Import
- Personalansvarig
- Auktion
- 17 Premiummoduler
- 5 webbplatslicenser
Och det dyraste paketet, Enterprise-planen, kostar $999/år eller $3246 för livstid och erbjuder alla funktioner som Business-planen medan den inkluderar några ytterligare funktioner:
- 1-timmes tema kompatibilitet
- 1 timmes grundläggande installation
- Live chatt stöd
- 17 premiummoduler
- 10 webbplatslicenser
Om du planerar en långsiktig strategi och tror att din Marketplace kommer att vara online i mer än 3 år, kan du överväga att betala för ett livstids erbjudande. Du får exakt samma funktioner som i deras årsplaner, men du får deras prenumeration för livet.
Vilka är skillnaderna mellan den kostnadsfria och den betalade Dokan-pluginet?
Dokan finns tillgängligt som en gratisversion (Lite) men jag rekommenderar att du uppgraderar till professionell version. Till skillnad från gratisversionen, som har mycket begränsad funktionalitet, ger Pro-versionen dig allt du behöver för att skapa en kraftfull och pålitlig marknadsplats, särskilt tack vare PayPal- och Stripe-gateways. Gratisversionen av Dokan inkluderar:
- Obegränsade leverantörer
- Frontend Leverantörsdashboard
- Orderhantering
- Leverantörsdragning av system
- Lagra Widgetar
Dokan visar verkligen sin fulla potential inom marknadsföring, som börjar med 'Professional'-versionen. Faktum är att detta paket erbjuder funktioner som snabbt blir oumbärliga, såsom:
- Prenumerationshantering (Prenumerationer) gör att du kan ta ut en fast månadsavgift från dina försäljningsrepresentanter så att de kan sälja på din marknadsplats.
- Valet av kommissionstyp: behåller du en procentandel eller ett fast belopp för varje försäljning?
- Stripe Connect-integration: Stripe Connect hanterar flera försäljningskanaler som automatiskt distribuerar pengar till varje leverantör och minskar provisioner på ett rättvist sätt. Denna modul är avgörande för en marknadsplats.
- 9 premiummoduler: Med dessa kan du utöka funktionaliteten i din butik.
Dokan har fler funktioner än vissa flerleverantörsmarknadsplugin. Kanske den viktigaste funktionen är integrationen med en av världens mest populära e-handelsplattformar (WooCommerce) och världens ledande innehållshanteringssystem (WordPress).
Dokan features: What can you do with it?
Dokan adds a sufficiently comprehensive overlay to allow vendors to manage their own interface space. They can manage their online store without ever having full access to the site, so you will remain the administrator of your WordPress marketplace as the only party able to access your admin dashboard.
Without good marketplace features, vendors can’t sell properly and will experience limitations on your platform.
With a good marketing management interface, sellers can:
- Add, edit, and delete products easily
- Define which products have the best sales
- Customize the look of each individual store
- Check the status of their orders
- Withdraw money
Vendors can control everything from the UI dashboard
The Dokan dashboard is a clean and functional tool that vendors can use to increase sales and profits. Every business needs an overall picture of performance. It gives each vendor an overview of business performance. You will be able to see:
- Total pages visited
- Number of orders
- Number of products in stock
- Sales reports, spam alerts and customer questions
This video shows sellers the ability to add their products and manage their orders independently.
Vendors can add and customize their products listed with Dokan
The simplest task for a supplier is to add products to the point of sale. It is important to make things as easy as possible for your sellers.
The interface of the Dokan supplier add-in mirrors the actual product page. Sellers can upload images and add product names with descriptions on the same store page. Sellers can also set prices for their products and define a category.
As an administrator, you can configure fields, categories, product types, etc. If you configure the plugin correctly, the seller will not be able to add categories or taxonomies along the way, which is reassuring. Also, you can limit vendors’ products to only digital download products, to create a digital marketplace.
Vendors can manage their customer orders
In order for sellers to know the status of their orders so they can ship them on time and prevent bad reviews – which would also be detrimental to your reputation in the market – Dokan allows sellers access to all of their orders.
They see the order number, total amount, customer name and delivery date. Dokan is one of the few existing multi-vendor extensions to provide the upstream supply chain.
Salespeople gain access to analytics and reporting
Dokan’s reporting panel contains powerful analytics tools that help merchants increase sales. For example, sellers can use the ‘Reports’ view to see which of their products are the most popular.
Other marketplace WordPress plugins, such as WC Marketplace, Yith or WC Vendors, provide basic reports on marketing activities. But only Dokan offers every seller a customizable picture of the success and statistics of their online store.
The sellers can better understand the customers and the products they want to buy. Providing them with relevant sales and performance data enables them to make better decisions about how they can improve the customer’s experience. This means more time and more benefits for you.
Your sellers will be able to customize their own vendor store
Access to products and orders is not all that makes your merchants happy and profitable. They must also be able to set up their stores and mark the brands that are for sale. Dokan makes it easy for sellers to:
- Create and update contact information
- Name the store
- Add links to social profiles
- Choose a withdrawal method
- Set up the shipping method
With Dokan, the provider’s store areas are clean, easy to navigate and responsive to mobile devices, tablets and desktops.
Make Money With Sales Commission
Dokan is designed for sellers. Effective analytics combined with automation makes it easy to manage suppliers and track sales. These are the best features of Dokan management tools.
The admin of the marketplace can specify the fees of individual sellers in percentage or offer monthly, annual or even daily subscription prices to sellers. The fee is flexible, you decide the amount or choose to not use it at all.
You will receive a commission for every sale made on your website. The percentage you get from sellers has a significant impact on the price and profit of products.
The higher your commission rate, the fewer sellers you will attract. The lower your commission, the lower your income. The balance you strike is your decision.
Dokan allows you to set up commissions for individual suppliers so that you can adjust your prices according to the value (roles) of a specific entrepreneur. For example, you can set a higher premium for sellers who sell high-margin products – i.e. electronic products – and a lower premium for those who sell low-priced products such as handmade products.
Dokan offers many different payment gateways
Successful marketplaces with many retailers offer customers many payment options. If you sell internationally, you need a secure payment gateway to support foreign currencies and popular payment methods locally. Dokan offers the following payment gateways built into their system:
- PayPal
- Stripe Connect
- Moip Connect
But Dokan, based on WooCommerce, allows you more popular payment options. More than 100 payment services are compatible with Woocommerce.
After the customer buys, Dokan calculates the payment and the seller makes a withdrawal request. You can use the same payment gateways to debit customers and make all your payments to merchants.
With a variety of payment platforms, it can become easy to meet the business needs of every marketplace business. And it makes your marketplace an attractive and practical online option for marketers.
Sellers can handle refund requests and refund customers
Dokan can process refunds through PayPal, a popular payment method that makes the transaction process easy.
Without Paypal, only administrators can process refunds that have to be made manually. In this case, the greatest responsibility lies with you. But the Dokan admin panel organizes and shows all pending refunds for you, and you can process them individually or in bulk.
Customers can add product reviews for each vendor individually
With Dokan, it is possible to analyze the seller and the products separately. With this essential independence, you have more control over the quality of your providers’ customer service. A seller may have great products, but terrible service.
With the Dokan Seller rating feature, customers leave individual seller ratings that appear in their window. Reviews improve the customer experience and speed up their purchase decision.
Mobile APP
Everything you need to know about the Dokan Mobile APP
Nowadays, people use their phones on a daily basis and even more than their computers. It is therefore absolutely inevitable to adapt one’s website to mobile use but unfortunately, this is not necessarily optimized for proper navigation.
- 90% of mobile phone time is spent with apps compared to browsers
- 53% of smartphone users buy from a company-specific mobile app
- Mobile phone owners are over 50% of all online traffic
- The conversion rate is three times higher in mobile apps than in mobile phones
The solution is to create a mobile application! For your marketplace, salesmen and customers will get simplified navigation and use, the system should be faster and as the mobile application remains installed on the phone, it will increase your customer and seller retention.
Dokan Mobile App Features
As you can probably imagine, the features of the Dokan mobile application are equivalent to those offered by the WordPress plugin. However there are some differences, learn more below:
- Interactive slider: Easily manage or change your default image of the slider whenever you need it. Let your users confirm discounts, offers or categories worth mentioning at a glance.
- Layout change: Different vendors prefer different layouts and sorting systems. Give your sellers full freedom to order and arrange the products.
- Push-notiser: Increase your marketplace engagement by sending regular and timely messages directly to users of your mobile app.
- Management: Your customers can buy from several providers at the same time. To ensure that the products can be ordered at the same time, the shopping cart is quickly managed in the Dokan mobile app.
- Customer profile: Offer an individual profile for each of your customers. In addition to registering, sellers can edit profiles from the app as they wish.
- Rating system: The rating of products and sellers is very important for a stable marketplace environment. Your customers can easily rate the vendors directly via the app.
- Shop Details: The seller profile is available to increase customer confidence. In addition to browsing products and reviews, users can directly contact a seller or find a store on the map from here.
- Social login: In order to simplify the registration or login process, a Facebook login function is available in the Dokan Mobile App.
- Wishlist Page: Reduce shopping cart abandonments and enable customers to easily find their favorite items later. Use the wishlist system of your mobile app.
- Order status: Customers can view their order list at any time with a tap and check the order status.
- Product search: Let your app users find their desired products using the search field at the top of their app interface.
Why should you use the Dokan Mobile App?
Creating a mobile application from scratch for your Dokan Marketplace WordPress will cost you a lot of money and will take time to develop. In addition, you will need to constantly improve the application to fix problems or add functionality.
It is also possible to find scripts on Codecanyon for a Dokan-compatible mobile application. It will probably cost you between 50 and $100 only but you will have to install everything yourself or pay a developer to take care of it. Moreover, these applications are not official.
Thanks to Dokan’s services, you will pay $59/month and get all the functionalities, Dokan’s developers will take care of putting the mobile application online, update the application and fix problems. You’ll never have to get your hands on the source code.
Dokan Mobile App Pricing
The price proposed by Dokan for its mobile application is very simple to understand. The only differences are about the choice of Android or iOS technology and the priority support.
Because of the massive use of Android and iOS phones, we strongly recommend you to take the Business offer which combines both Android and iOS applications and priority support. It will cost you a $199 setup fee and $59/ month for the subscription.
Dokan review: Why you should use it?
Dokan integrates seamlessly with WordPress and WooCommerce. WooCommerce is one of the largest open-source ecommerce platforms in the world. WooCommerce works with WordPress, the most used content management program in the world.
One of Dokan’s key advantages is its support team, ready to help you at any time. There is nothing more unbearable than having your site broken and having to wait several days for support to respond. Dokan offers you premium support via ticket system and also via live chat.
Dokan adds duplication to WooCommerce, but does not replace it – the two complement each other. This means you take advantage of the robust features that Dokan has brought to the market and the integration of hundreds of WooCommerce plugins. There are several themes designed specifically for Dokan. With these, you can adapt your webshop to your business area.
The Dokan integration with WordPress and WooCommerce means you can add any WordPress plugin and feature. For example, you can add a multilingual system for your marketplace thanks to the Translatepress plugin to generate international sales and attract international suppliers.
TranslatePress Recension och Prissättning – Den Bästa Flerspråkiga WordPress-pluginen
Dokan Alternatives
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