Polylang Review, Pricing, Features, Pros and Cons

In this Polylang review, you'll find more information about its features, pricing, pros and cons and why you should consider using it.
8.8/10 (専門家スコア)
製品の評価は #3 カテゴリーで マルチリンガルWordPressプラグイン
Want to make a WordPress multilingual website?

Polylang equips WordPress users with the impressive ability to effortlessly manage a multilingual site, making it an invaluable tool in today’s globalized digital landscape. Its straightforward integration with WordPress ensures that users of any skill level can enhance their site’s accessibility and SEO without compromising on performance. The flexibility to customize language settings, coupled with robust compatibility with various themes and plugins, makes Polylang a top choice for anyone looking to cater to a diverse audience effectively.

  • SEOフレンドリー
  • Direct Translation Management
  • Flexibility in Language Setup
  • 直感的なインターフェース
  • カスタマイズ機能
  • Maintenance Complexity
  • Increased Resource Usage
  • Manual Translation Requirement
  • 学習曲線

Navigating the world of multilingual websites can be a daunting task, especially when you’re trying to enhance accessibility and engagement across diverse audiences. Enter Polylang, the WordPress plugin that transforms your site into a multilingual hub without breaking a sweat.

Whether you’re looking to expand your reach to new markets or cater to a multicultural user base, understanding how Polylang powers seamless translation and integration could be your first step towards achieving a truly global presence.

With its user-friendly setup and robust SEO capabilities, Polylang stands out as a pivotal tool for website administrators aiming to bridge language barriers and create a more inclusive digital space.

Read further to learn more about Polylang, in our review we will detail its features, pros and cons with our rating, and a conclusion about why you should use it.



What is Polylang?

ポリラング is a popular WordPress plugin designed to make websites multilingual. It allows users to translate posts, pages, categories, tags, and even URLs, supporting an unlimited number of languages.

The plugin integrates seamlessly into WordPress without requiring additional tables or compromising website performance, as it utilizes WordPress’ built-in core features like taxonomies. Polylang is compatible with major SEO plugins, managing multilingual SEO by automatically handling hreflang and opengraph tags.

Users can set up a language via the plugin’s straightforward interface, adding a language switcher to facilitate navigation for visitors in their preferred language.

Polylang Pro offers additional features such as improved integration with the WordPress block editor, translation of template parts, and support for WooCommerce, making it a comprehensive solution for creating multilingual sites.

Polylang specifications

機能Content translation / Language switcher / Performance Management / SEO Friendly / Support Multiple Languages / Translation Management / WooCommerce Integration
ウェブサイトの言語英語 / 多言語
会社の住所2050 112TH AVE NE, Bellevue, Washington 98004, us


Polylang pricing: How much does Polylang cost?

When considering Polylang for your website, the pricing structure is tailored to fit a variety of needs and budgets, ranging from a free basic version to more advanced offerings priced up to €649 for 25 sites. This range ensures that whether you’re running a single personal blog or managing multiple business platforms, there’s a Polylang plan that can fit your specific requirements.

Each paid tier unlocks additional powerful features, providing professional-grade capabilities that are worth the investment for serious users aiming to optimize their multilingual website operations.

価格帯From $99 to $649

Polylang pricing plans


Polylang offers several pricing plans for its products:

Polylang Pro :

    • 1 site – 99.00€
    • 3 sites – 198.00€
    • 5 sites – 297.00€
    • 25 sites – 495.00€

Polylang for WooCommerce :

    • 1 site – 99.00€
    • 3 sites – 198.00€
    • 5 sites – 297.00€
    • 25 sites – 495.00€

Polylang Business Pack (includes Polylang Pro for WooCommerce) :

    • 1 site – 139.00€
    • 3 sites – 269.00€
    • 5 sites – 399.00€
    • 25 sites – 649.00€

Polylang (standard version) is available for free.

Each tier provides access to premium features and support, with scalability options depending on the number of sites.


Polylang features: What can you do with it?

Delving into the diverse features of Polylang reveals a suite of tools designed to enhance your website’s multilingual capabilities. From seamless content translation across multiple languages to intuitive language switcher options and sophisticated SEO enhancements, each feature of Polylang is crafted to provide a comprehensive solution for website administrators.

These features ensure that users can not only create but also manage a multilingual site with ease, enhancing both the reach and the user experience.

Core Translation Features

Polylang content translation

Polylang stands out in the WordPress plugin ecosystem by enabling the creation of a fully multilingual website where not just the primary content like posts and pages can be translated, but also more dynamic elements such as media files, categories, and tags.

This inclusivity extends to custom post types and taxonomies, ensuring that even specialized content types are not left behind in a multilingual setup. This broad support makes Polylang particularly suitable for complex websites that use custom solutions within the WordPress framework.

The plugin’s integration utilizes WordPress’ built-in functionalities like taxonomies, avoiding the need for additional database tables which can bloat the system and slow down the site. By using the native structures of WordPress, Polylang ensures that the performance remains optimal even as you scale up the number of languages and content.

The ease of use is enhanced by a backend that is familiar to WordPress users, requiring minimal adaptation and thus shortening the learning curve significantly. This streamlined approach helps maintain a stable and efficient workflow, which is crucial for websites with a large volume of content or those managed by teams with varying technical skills.

URL and SEO Management

Polylang SEO features

Polylang provides comprehensive solutions for URL management and search engine optimization in multilingual contexts, a critical aspect for global reach. The plugin allows administrators to define unique URL structures for each language, which can be configured as subdirectories, separate domains, or subdomains.

This flexibility helps in targeting specific language audiences more effectively and enhances the global SEO strategy. Polylang’s compatibility with leading SEO plugins automates complex aspects of multilingual SEO, such as the correct implementation of HTML hreflang tags and opengraph tags, which are essential for telling search engines about the linguistic variations of the same content.

These features ensure that each language version of the site is indexed correctly and appears in search results in the respective languages. Additionally, Polylang’s SEO features include automatic sitemap generation for each language, optimizing each for its target demographic’s search engines, which can significantly improve organic search visibility.

Such robust SEO capabilities are crucial for businesses aiming to reach a diverse, international audience, ensuring that language does not become a barrier to accessibility or discoverability.

Language Switcher and User Interface

Polylang languages

The language switcher provided by Polylang is a versatile tool that enhances the user experience by allowing visitors to easily switch between different language versions of the site. It can be integrated into the website as a widget or included directly in the navigation menu, providing flexibility in design and ensuring accessibility.

The switcher is highly customizable, allowing it to blend seamlessly with the site’s design, which is vital for maintaining a professional appearance. Beyond aesthetics, the practical usability of the language switcher is enhanced by its support for right-to-left (RTL) languages, which makes it adaptable to a wide array of linguistic contexts.

On the administrative side, Polylang’s user interface mirrors the standard WordPress dashboard, making it intuitive for site managers. This familiarity is beneficial for reducing the training required for teams and enabling quick modifications and updates to the multilingual settings.

Polylang also includes tools for translating widget titles and other interface elements, ensuring that every part of the website can be localized, thus providing a thorough multilingual presence that enhances both user engagement and satisfaction.

Advanced Features with Polylang Pro

Polylang features

Polylang Pro offers a suite of advanced features designed for users who require more sophisticated functionality from their multilingual WordPress site.

One of the key enhancements in Polylang Pro is its improved integration with the WordPress block editor, which ensures that users can manage translations within the new WordPress editing environment seamlessly.

This integration allows for a more intuitive workflow, enabling site administrators to handle multilingual content directly within the editor. Another significant feature is the synchronization of posts across languages.

This means when updates are made to the original content, they can be automatically applied to all translations, ensuring consistency and accuracy across all site versions. Additionally, Polylang Pro supports the translation of URL slugs, which is critical for SEO and user navigation.

The ability to automatically duplicate content when creating new translations drastically reduces the time and effort required to manage a multilingual site. Furthermore, Polylang Pro offers enhanced compatibility with other WordPress plugins, such as Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) Pro, which allows for custom field translations.

This compatibility is essential for sites that utilize custom fields extensively to provide a tailored content experience. Polylang Pro also includes features like the integration of machine translation services, which can automate the translation process and improve efficiency. These advanced capabilities make Polylang Pro an indispensable tool for professional websites that need reliable and robust multilingual support.

WooCommerce Compatibility

Polylang woocommerce capabilities

The Polylang for WooCommerce add-on is specifically designed to extend Polylang’s functionalities to e-commerce platforms, making it an ideal solution for online stores that operate in multiple languages.

This extension enables the translation of all WooCommerce components, including product pages, product categories, and even the emails sent to customers during various stages of the purchase process. Such comprehensive translation capabilities ensure that every aspect of the shopping experience can be localized, which is crucial for engaging customers who shop in different languages.

The add-on also synchronizes product metadata across languages, which means that changes made in one language, like price updates or product descriptions, are automatically reflected in other languages. This synchronization ensures consistency throughout the customer’s shopping experience, reducing confusion and enhancing user satisfaction.

Furthermore, the Polylang for WooCommerce add-on supports translating checkout and cart pages, which are critical for completing sales transactions in the customer’s preferred language. The ability to provide a fully localized checkout process significantly enhances the likelihood of conversion and customer retention.

Additional functionalities include the translation of shipping and payment information, allowing for a seamless integration of logistical aspects into the multilingual setup. This comprehensive language support is vital for e-commerce businesses looking to expand their market reach and cater to a global audience effectively.


Polylang review: Why you should use it?

ポリラング is a powerful WordPress plugin that allows users to create multilingual websites efficiently. It stands out for its user-friendly interface that integrates smoothly with the WordPress dashboard, making it accessible for both beginners and experienced users to manage multilingual content.

This ease of use is coupled with flexibility in language setup, allowing the addition of numerous languages tailored to various posts, pages, and custom post types. This flexibility makes it ideal for websites targeting diverse audiences.


  • User-Friendly Interface : The software integrates seamlessly with the WordPress dashboard, making it easy to set up and manage, suitable for both beginners and advanced users.
  • Flexibility in Language Setup : Users can add numerous languages to their site, customizing settings for different content types which is ideal for diverse audiences.
  • SEO Friendliness : Provides separate URLs for each language version, aiding effective indexing by search engines.
  • Customization Options : Allows customization of language switchers, menus, and widgets to match site design, enhancing user experience.
  • Direct Translation Management : Supports managing translations directly within WordPress, facilitating ease of content management.
  • Plugin Compatibility : Known for its compatibility with various WordPress themes and plugins, ensuring smooth functionality​.


  • Learning Curve : Some users, especially those new to WordPress or multilingual sites, may find the setup and management challenging.
  • Manual Translation Requirement : Lacks comprehensive automatic translation features; translations need to be managed manually or with external services.
  • Content Duplication : Translating content could lead to duplication, potentially affecting website organization and SEO.
  • Maintenance Complexity : Managing updates for Polylang and other WordPress plugins/themes can become complex, leading to potential compatibility issues.
  • Increased Resource Usage : Running a multilingual site might increase the demand on server resources, which could affect website performance on shared hosting environments.



Visit Polylang
8.8 / 10