Ulasan Zettle, Harga, Fitur dengan Kelebihan dan Kekurangan

In this Zettle review, you'll find more information about its features, pricing, pros and cons and why you should consider using it.
9.2/10 (Skor Ahli)
Produk ini dinilai sebagai #5 dalam kategori Titik Penjualan
9.2Skor Ahli
Zettle: Toko Satu Atap untuk Pembayaran dan Manajemen Bisnis Tanpa Susah!

Zettle menawarkan solusi terpadu yang efisien untuk usaha kecil yang ingin menyederhanakan proses pembayaran dan manajemen inventaris mereka. Antarmuka yang ramah pengguna dan integrasi pihak ketiga yang mulus menjadikannya pilihan yang serbaguna untuk penjualan di toko maupun online. Dengan Zettle, Anda dapat lebih fokus pada pertumbuhan bisnis Anda dan kurang pada pengelolaan teknis.

Dukungan pelanggan
Nilai untuk uang
Kemudahan penggunaan
  • Tidak ada biaya bulanan membuatnya efektif biaya untuk bisnis kecil.
  • Antarmuka yang ramah pengguna memastikan kemudahan penggunaan
  • Mendukung transaksi multi-mata uang
  • Menawarkan dukungan pelanggan yang kuat melalui berbagai saluran
  • Berfungsi juga sebagai sistem EPOS gratis
  • Pilihan perangkat keras yang terbatas membatasi kustomisasi
  • Kekurangan fitur manajemen tim dalam pelaporan
  • Biaya transaksi yang tinggi dapat terkumpul untuk transaksi kecil.
  • Analisis dan alat pelaporan yang mendalam terbatas.
  • Beberapa pengguna melaporkan masalah konektivitas.

Unlock the Power of Zettle: The One-Stop Solution for Small Businesses! Dive into our comprehensive review to explore how Zettle can revolutionize your payment processing, manajemen inventaris, and more. But is it all smooth sailing?

We’ve got the full scoop, from its user-friendly perks to the hidden costs you should know about. Don’t miss out on the pros, cons, and insider insights that could make all the difference for your business!

Baca lebih lanjut untuk mengetahui lebih banyak tentang Paypal Zettle, dalam ulasan kami kami akan merinci fitur, kelebihan dan kekurangan beserta penilaian kami, dan kesimpulan tentang mengapa Anda harus menggunakannya.

Klik “buka” jika Anda ingin melihat secara tepat apa yang akan kami bicarakan di sisa artikel ini.

Gambaran Umum

What is Zettle?

Zettle is a commerce tool designed to empower small businesses, offering mobile card readers and a point-of-sale app called Zettle Go.

Part of the PayPal family, Zettle allows businesses to accept card payments anytime, anywhere. The software also provides inventory tracking and sales metrics.

Their latest offering, the Zettle Terminal, combines a card reader and point-of-sale app into a single device. The platform integrates with various webshop builders and akuntansi software, and it comes with no startup costs, lock-in contracts, or hidden fees.

Zettle cover

Zettle specifications

FiturCheckout dan Pembayaran / Mengumpulkan Pembayaran dengan Mudah / Pembayaran Mudah / Mengintegrasikan Toko eCommerce Anda / Pembayaran Internasional / Manajemen Inventaris dan Arus Kas / Berbagai Opsi Pembayaran / PayPal Checkout / Analitik Penjualan / Kinerja Penjualan / Pelacakan Penjualan / Fungsionalitas eCommerce
Paling cocok untukUsaha kecil, Usaha menengah
Bahasa situs webInggris
URL situs webKunjungi situs web resmi
Tautan dukunganHalaman dukungan
Obrolan langsungYa
Alamat perusahaanSwedia
Tahun didirikan2010

Penentuan Harga

Zettle pricing: How much does Zettle cost?

Zettle mengenakan biaya transaksi tetap sebesar 1,75% untuk pembayaran kartu dan Kode QR PayPal, dan biaya 2,5% untuk Tautan Pembayaran dan Faktur Zettle (untuk akun yang dibuat sebelum 8 Mei 2023). Paket tarif kustom tersedia untuk bisnis yang memproses lebih dari £10,000 dalam pembayaran kartu setiap bulan.

Biaya perangkat keras adalah pembelian sekali, dengan terminal semuanya dalam satu mulai harga £149 dan pembaca kartu seharga £29 untuk pengguna baru. Tidak ada biaya berulang atau komitmen jangka panjang. Semua biaya dapat berubah.

Kisaran hargaDari 1.75% per transaksi
Jenis hargaBayar sesuai pemakaian
Rencana gratisTidak
Uji coba gratisTidak
Jaminan uang kembaliTidak
Tautan halaman hargaLihat rencana

Zettle pricing plans


Biaya Transaksi

  • Transaksi KartuBiaya tetap sebesar 1.75% dikenakan untuk setiap transaksi yang dilakukan melalui kartu utama dan dompet seluler, termasuk American Express.
  • Kartu QR PayPalBiaya transaksi untuk pembayaran yang dilakukan melalui kode QR PayPal juga sebesar 1,75%.
  • Tautan PembayaranJika Anda menggunakan Payment Links untuk memfasilitasi pembayaran jarak jauh, biaya transaksi adalah 2,5%.
  • Zettle InvoiceBagi mereka yang mendaftar ke Zettle sebelum 8 Mei 2023, biaya transaksi untuk Zettle Invoice adalah 2,5%.

Rencana Tarif Kustom

  • Bisnis yang memproses lebih dari £10,000 dalam pembayaran kartu setiap bulan dapat menanyakan tentang rencana tarif khusus yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan mereka.

Biaya Perangkat Keras

  • TerminalTerminal all-in-one dihargai mulai dari £149, tidak termasuk VAT dan biaya pengiriman.
  • Pembaca KartuUntuk pengguna bisnis baru, pembaca kartu dihargai £29, tidak termasuk PPN dan biaya pengiriman.

Tidak Ada Biaya Tambahan

  • Tidak ada biaya berulang atau komitmen jangka panjang. Semua perangkat keras adalah pembelian satu kali.
  • Dana umumnya tiba di akun PayPal Bisnis Anda dalam beberapa menit, dan Anda dapat mengatur transfer otomatis ke bank Anda tanpa biaya tambahan.


Zettle features: What can you do with it?

Zettle offers a comprehensive suite of features designed to streamline every aspect of your business operations, from payment processing to inventory management.

With its user-friendly interface, Zettle not only supports multiple payment methods but also provides robust hardware options, detailed reporting, and staff management tools.

Whether you’re looking to accept contactless payments, manage your product library, or analyze sales data, Zettle has got you covered. Read on to explore each feature in detail.

Zettle features 1

Payment Features

Accept Multiple Payment Methods

Zettle allows businesses to accept a wide range of payment methods including VISA, Mastercard, American Express, and even digital wallets like Apple Pay, Android Pay, and Google Pay.

Tap to Pay

This feature enables contactless card payments on-the-go without requiring additional hardware. Payments can be processed in under 5 seconds.

Tautan Pembayaran

Zettle offers the ability to send Payment Links to customers, allowing businesses to get paid remotely.

Pembayaran Tunai

The software also supports cash payments with no daily limit.

Digital Receipts

Zettle allows businesses to send digital receipts and store them on the cloud.


The platform supports issuing full or partial refunds.

Online Invoices

Zettle Invoice allows businesses to create and send online invoices to customers.

Hardware Features

Zettle Reader 2

This hardware can be connected to accept cash, card, and contactless payments.

All-in-One Terminal

Zettle offers an all-in-one terminal that comes with a pre-installed POS app, allowing businesses to accept card and contactless payments on the go.

Barcode Scanner

Businesses can connect a barcode scanner to their device or use the terminal with a built-in barcode scanner.

Zettle features 2

Product and Library Management

Product Library

Businesses can build an easy-to-navigate product library and even bulk import products from Excel.

Manajemen Stok

The software allows for the editing of stock levels and the addition of new items directly from the app.

Product Grouping

Products can be listed or grouped for faster identification, and businesses can add photos and descriptions to all products.

Zettle features 3

Fitur Pelaporan

Sales Reports

Zettle provides the ability to analyze sales and staff performance through daily reports.

Refund Tracking

The platform allows businesses to issue full or partial refunds and find them easily in their sales reports.

Selling Across Channels

E-commerce Integrations

Businesses can build a webshop and upload their library with e-commerce integrations. They can also sell on media sosial using these integrations.

Online Store Connection

The Zettle app can be connected to your online store for seamless operations.

Manajemen Staf

User Switching

The software allows quick switching between users without requiring to log out.

Staff Productivity Tracking

Zettle enables businesses to track staff productivity through daily reports.


Zettle review: Why you should use it?

Zettle offers a streamlined point-of-sale system that’s particularly beneficial for small businesses. It provides a range of features like easy inventory management, sales insights, and seamless integration with third-party platforms like Shopify and QuickBooks.

The software also allows for contactless payments through mobile devices, making it versatile for in-store or on-the-go sales.


  • Fast Payouts: Funds are transferred to your linked bank account within two working days, which is faster than many competitors.
  • Extensive Third-Party Integrations: Zettle integrates with 21 software partners, including EPOS systems and ecommerce platforms, offering flexibility in how you manage your business.
  • No Monthly Fees: Zettle doesn’t charge any recurring fees, making it cost-effective for small businesses.
  • Antarmuka yang Ramah Pengguna: The software is designed for ease of use, making it accessible even for those who are not tech-savvy.
  • E-commerce Integrations: Zettle can be easily integrated with popular online shopping platforms, allowing for a unified inventory and sales tracking system.
  • Dukungan Multi-Mata Uang: The system supports transactions in multiple currencies, making it suitable for businesses that deal with international customers.
  • Dukungan Pelanggan yang Kuat: Zettle offers customer support via phone, email, and obrolan langsung, providing multiple avenues for resolving issues.
  • Free EPOS System: The software doubles as an EPOS system at no extra cost, offering good value for money.


  • Biaya Transaksi: While Zettle offers low upfront costs, the transaction fees of 1.75% for in-person and 2.5% for online payments can accumulate, especially for businesses with high sales volumes.
  • Limited Hardware with Mobile Data: Zettle offers only one piece of hardware, the Terminal, that comes with mobile data, limiting options for businesses that operate on the go.
  • Limited Hardware Options: Zettle offers only two types of hardware, limiting customization options for businesses with specific needs.
  • No Team Management Features: Unlike some competitors, Zettle doesn’t offer team management features in its reporting tools.
  • High Transaction Fees for Small Transactions: The flat transaction fee can be costly for businesses that primarily deal with small transactions.
  • Limited Reporting Tools: While Zettle does offer sales and inventory reports, it lacks in-depth analytics and team management data.
  • Connectivity Issues: Some users have reported connectivity issues, particularly when using the hardware in areas with poor internet service.

Pertanyaan yang Sering Diajukan

Pertanyaan yang Sering Diajukan

Ulasan Zettle
Mengapa tidak mencobanya?
Kunjungi Zettle
9.2 / 10